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Cyan, cyanide, cyber-, cyberman, cybernet (ic), cyclop (s) (tic), Cynthia.

icy, dicy, juicy, racy

Here is the Rule:

'C' followed by 'e' 'i' or 'y' sounds 's', otherwise 'k'.
Race, cinema, cigar, cycle
cat, cot, cut.
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Q: Cy words that sound like s?
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What sound does c have in the word exception?

it should sound like an "s"pronunciation of exception: ik-sep-shuh n"x" sounds like "ks", usually. The "c" in exceptioncarries on the "s" sound.

In words with 'ce' and 'ci' is the letter C always pronounced as if it were an 's'?

It is USUALLY pronounced as an s, but not always. There's the -cious words, where it has the sound 'sh': delicious precious specious meretricious etc. (not to mention 'licorice') Similarly, there the 'sh' sound for -cial words like facial and special. Also there are words that have been adopted from other languages but kept a trace of their original pronunciation: Celtic, for example. There are some other pronuniciations for ce, such as cello (pronounced 'chello'), cembalo (chembalo, with a 'k' sound). In the words foci and loci (acceptable plurals of focus and locus) the c is pronounced like a 'k'. The letter 'c' also makes the 'k' sound in the word 'arcing.'

What sounds at the end of words can be identified as an s sound for the purpose of forming plurals?


What does sibilience mean?

when there are a succession of words beginning with S. It normally indicates evil as the s sound likens to a snake- as in the one from Genesis.

What is the plural form for the last name Gautreaux?

I'd assume you'd add an apostrophe after the "-x", seeing as though English words that end in "-s", (with the "sssssuh" sound) have an apostrophe added after the "-s" so that the word doesn't sound like "-eses". For example, "The Kyles' family is an awesome family!!". You'd add the apostrophe at the end as opposed to an "s" or another "-es" instead of making "Kyles" sound like "Kyuhl-ziz". Just a guess.

Related questions

Is the s in asphalt an s sound or z sound?

The s in "asphalt" is pronounced as a z sound, similar to the sound in words like "zero" or "zebra."

What sc words sound like s?


Words with sc that sound like s?


What words with cc that sound like S?


What words have ci but sound like s?

City, citation for a start.

What words have ie what sound like ee?

parties, cookie/s, field/s movie/s and brief

What is sound in poetry?

sound in a poem can be created using onomatopoeia - words that sound like the action such as "bang" "crash". It can also be created through assonance - this is the repetition of a vowel sound in words so you get a soft s or c ect.. Sound can be created through alliteration : the snake slowly slithered- the s is the alliteration.

What sound does c have in this word cinnamon?

The C in cinnamon has the soft c sound which sounds like the letter s.Examples:CeleryCentipedeCinnamonCircleCircusCityCylinderThe above words all begin with C and sound like S.

Which sounds at the end of words can be identified as an s sound for the purpose of forming plurals?

Sounds such as /s/, /z/, /Κƒ/, /Κ’/, /tΝŸΚƒ/, and /dΝ‘Κ’/ can be identified as an "s" sound for forming plurals. This includes sounds like /s/, /z/, /tΝŸΚƒ/, and /dΝ‘Κ’/ found in words like "cats," "dogs," "buses," and "pajamas."

Words with k and s sound spelled with ce?

Celt has the k sound. Celery has the s sound.

What sound does s make in this word pose does it sound like s as in soft or s as in wise?

it is like wize.

Do you use a or an with word starting with s?

You use a. Use an only with words that start with a vowel sound.A word that starts with s cannot start with a vowel sound, unless the s is actually pronounced like the name of the letter, which is not common. For example, you would say an S-hook, because that would be pronounced an ess-hook. However, for "normal" words that start with s, the article a is correct, as in a serious problem or a sock.