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No, I can't - but others may be able to translate "Story English" to "Tagalog".

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Q: Can you translate story English to Tagalog?
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Are there any trustworthy websites that can translate words from English to tagalog?

Yes, websites like Google Translate,, and are reputable sources for translating words from English to Tagalog. However, it's always good practice to double-check translations with a native speaker if possible for accuracy and nuances.

How do you translate tagalog sentence to English sentence?

To translate a Tagalog sentence to an English sentence, you have to understand the meaning of each word in Tagalog and then accurately express that meaning in English while considering proper grammar and phrasing. It can be helpful to break down the sentence into its components and focus on conveying the original message effectively. Practice and familiarity with both languages will also aid in producing accurate translations.

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