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Yes. That's kind of a simple question. Did you have a particular phrase in mind to be translated?

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4y ago

Yes I do have a middle name Angel Marie Girl60 is the way Amen

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Q: Can you translate middle English into modern English?
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How can you translate I into modern English?

The word I is already in modern English.

Translate from Elizabethan to Modern English?

Elizabethan English is Modern English, just an early form of it.

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Huckleberry Finn is in today's English

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_no you cant because old English is just the same to modern English....

What are the four stages of the English language?

The four stages of the English language are Old English, Middle English, Early Modern English, and Modern English. These stages mark the historical development and evolution of the language over time.

What are some of the differences between Middle English and Modern English?

In Middle English, many of these endings were lost, and the role a word played in the sentence was determined by word order, like it is today. The word order in Middle English is pretty similar in most cases to Modern English. (There are differences of course, but in general a Middle English sentence is like a Modern English sentence.)

When did middle English start?

Early Modern English started around 1500. For reference, Shakespeare is in Early Modern English; Chaucer is in the London dialect of Middle English.

Which English old middle or modern was spoken in the early 1800's in England?

Modern English

English translation of katikati?

Katikati is a Swahili word that translates to the word center in English. It can also translate to 'in the middle.'

What are the dates of 'old' 'middle' 'early modern' and 'modern' English?

Depending on the author and his purpose, generally, Old English or Anglo-Saxon (circa 450-1066 CE). Middle English (circa 1066-1450 AD). Early Modern English from about the time of Shakespeare, and Modern!!!

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one possible translation would be "the wood wyf"

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