Write sentences the way you speak - just pretend you are telling this to a friend, and write down what you would say. What would you tell them about this topic? Look up some facts! You actually have to read the books!
If you just start writing, you will be through with your assignment before you know it!
comparison and contrast
The noun 'paragraph' is a countablenoun, the plural form is paragraphs.Example: We were assigned to write a paragraph but I wrote two paragraphs.
anecdote,details,classification,enumeration,development focus on effect,development focus on cause,definition,contrast,comparison,
Usually not--each new speaker should start a new paragraph.
To finish off any essay, just compare each point (if this is a comparison essay) or just basically make a summary. It's easiest just to highlight the most important part of each paragraph and just cram it in. A four line paragraph conclusion also looks best.
Comparison is a rhetorical strategy that involves examining the similarities and differences between two or more things. It is used to clarify concepts, highlight distinctions, or emphasize similarities for the purpose of analysis or argumentation. By juxtaposing aspects of different subjects, comparison can help to deepen understanding and offer insights into how they relate to each other.
The first paragraph of the entire book has everything you need.
An analogy is a comparison of two things based on their structure. It is used for clarification and explanation purposes.
One way is to use a point-by-point structure where each paragraph focuses on a specific point of comparison between the two subjects. Another way is to use a subject-by-subject structure where each paragraph discusses all the details and aspects of one subject before moving on to the next subject.
starteling statement, standard opening, anectdotes, comparison & contrast, and description
In a five paragraph compare-and-contrast essay using the one item per paragraph pattern, the third paragraph is typically where you would discuss the similarities and differences between the two subjects. This paragraph would focus on analyzing how the subjects are alike and different based on the criteria you have chosen for comparison.
An analogy is a comparison of two different things that are alike in some way. So a paragraph by analogy would mean that you are writing multiple sentences that develop upon the ideas of what you are comparing. The easiest way for you to come up with the paragraph would be to make a list of all the different ways the subjects are alike. Make these into complete sentences and your paragraph will almost form itself.
What Are At Least Five Sentences With No Fragments And Proper Style Organization, coherence, spelling and Puncuation grammer for the Greg Garrulous comparison paragraph
A good paragraph on any book is indeed the treasure of the house of knowledge.
comparison and contrast
there are 11 methods of paragraph development. They are: *definition *comparison & contrast *details *illustration *analogy *repetition *cause and effect *elimination *question and answer *enumeration *combined method