A Dictionary will give you the meaning of a word, its etymology and its roots, where a Thesaurus will give you words which have a similar (often the same) meaning and can be used in a similar context.
similar in meaning to expedite.
A similar meaning of the word avoid is to stay away from or hide from.
A Dictionary will give you the meaning of a word, its etymology and its roots, where a Thesaurus will give you words which have a similar (often the same) meaning and can be used in a similar context.
A synonym is a word with a meaning similar to that of another word.
A synonym is a word or phrase that has a similar meaning to another word or phrase in the same language. They can be used interchangeably in sentences to avoid repetition and add variety to the text.
A "synonym" of a word is one that can have the same or a similar meaning.
This is an ambiguous question. It is not clear whether you are looking for words that have a similar sound, or a similar meaning to the word family. In terms of sound, familial sounds rather similar. In terms of meaning, clan, or relatives has a similar meaning.
The upper, fortified part of an old city.
Representative has a similar meaning to iconic.
similar in meaning to expedite.
A similar meaning to masticate is the word: chew.
different word similar to ambigious