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To know joy, you must experience sorrow.

To the battlefield we shall march.

To err is human, to forgive is divine.

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Q: Can you begin a sentence with the word 'to'?
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When does the word is begin a sentence that isn't a question?

The word 'is' can begin a sentence but not be a question when it is the subject of the question. Example sentence - Is can be the subject in a sentence. But only in sentences of that type (above) or, 'Is' is a two letter word. Otherwise is cannot begin a sentence.

Can a sentence begin with also?

Yes. There is no word that cannot begin an English sentence.

Can a sentence begin with it?

It is possible to have a sentence with the word it at the beginning, as this sentence proves.

Can you begin a sentence with the word after?

yes you can

When can a sentence begin with the word and?


Can the word Because start with a sentence?

Of course you can. There is no word in English that cannot begin a sentence.

Should a sentence begin with the word with?

Yes, a sentence is allowed to begin with the word "with". For example: With all the pressure of high school people were becoming stressed.

Can you begin a sentence with the word or?

Yes, you can begin a sentence with the word "or" when presenting options or alternatives. For example, "Or you can choose to study abroad for a semester."

What is a good sentence with the word lettuce in it?

lettuce begin (let us begin)

Can you use the word but to begin a long sentence?

No, You cannot use but to start a sentence.

Can you begin a sentence with the word so?

yes if it necessary

Is it okay to begin a sentence with the word first?
