

Best Answer

Yes. The language now seems set to have a monopoly as the worldwide medium of commuinication. More and more people encourage to use or send messages in English rather then their own language.

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Q: Can English be dethroned
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Which English king was dethroned and why?

King Richard II in 1399.

What After king James II was dethroned what important condition was written into the English bill of right?


How do you use dethroned in a sentence?

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The despot has been dethroned!

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God Dethroned was created in 1991.

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When was Queen Victoria dethroned?

She was never dethroned. She became Queen in 1836 and was Queen when she died in January 1901.

What important condition was written into the English bill of rights after king James was dethroned?

You are thinking of this, that no Catholic would henceforth be permitted to ascend to the English throne, nor could any English monarch marry a Catholic.

Was King Richard dethroned?

King Richard was not dethroned. He was King of England until his death. He was also the Duke of Normandy.

After king James 2 was dethroned what important conditions was written into the English bill rights?

You are thinking of this, that no Catholic would henceforth be permitted to ascend to the English throne, nor could any English monarch marry a Catholic.