Yes. The language now seems set to have a monopoly as the worldwide medium of commuinication. More and more people encourage to use or send messages in English rather then their own language.
UsurpationdethronedDethroned, overthrown, usurped.
Generally we refer to the English spoken in the British Isles as "British English," but the distinction could be made between various forms of it: Irish English, Scottish English and English English.
*American English *British English *Australian English *Filipino English
Literature in English is the writing written in English, but English in literature is the overall English literature that there is in the general category of "literature."
At secondary school there was English language and English literature. English language was punctuation etc. English literature was popems, stories etc.
King Richard II in 1399.
He dethroned the defending titleholder.
The despot has been dethroned!
God Dethroned was created in 1991.
God Dethroned ended in 2011.
Humanity Dethroned was created in 2008.
Kronos was dethroned by his sixth child Zeus/ Dias in cooperation with his wife Rea
She was never dethroned. She became Queen in 1836 and was Queen when she died in January 1901.
You are thinking of this, that no Catholic would henceforth be permitted to ascend to the English throne, nor could any English monarch marry a Catholic.
King Richard was not dethroned. He was King of England until his death. He was also the Duke of Normandy.
You are thinking of this, that no Catholic would henceforth be permitted to ascend to the English throne, nor could any English monarch marry a Catholic.