Unique letters: 5 (L,E,T,R,S) Total letters: 7 (L,E,T,T,E,R,S)
Yes, as a general rule the e is kept.
They're simply words with six letters beginning in e and ending in you.
grackle # Any of several American blackbirds of the genus Quiscalus having iridescent plumage
CorrineDarleneJustineLouanneLee AnneMarlene
No 7 letter words, but using 6 letters, words beginning with c, ending in s, are clouts and cutlets.
enough, establishWords beginning with e ending with h:eachepochetchextinguish
gemsbok, grysbok, gerenuk, dibatag
There are lots of words that are 7 letters long beginning with E and ending in Teg:ElementEncryptEvilestExhaustExhibitEasiestjust to name a few.
the beginning is the mouth and the ending is the frying pan
The letters spell the 7 letter word askance. They do not spell a 7 letter word starting with s and ending with e.