Apparel is pronounced: a - PAR - el The PAR has the sound of the a in Math, rather than rhyming with car.
The abbreviation for "apparel" is commonly represented as "app" or "aprl."
No, verb means an action. Apparel is a noun, person, place, thing, or idea.
Clothing, covering, dress, equipment, garment, or gear. Those words mean apparel.
It is both
She appareled all the top musicians. - past tense.
Elbow pads are sporting goods apparel. Earmuffs are apparel.
You can purchase equipment for manufacturing apparel on the Apparel Search website.
Fleece Apparel can be an alternative to to other apparel such as wool or cotton. Fleece apparel is not an expensive alternative to these other products an can be purchased near or at the same price as other apparel.
carol apparel
s apparel merchantdising
I would say that, yes, nightgowns are considered apparel. Apparel is just anything that you wear.
American Apparel pants can be bought online or at an American Apparel store. American Apparel pants are sold in 20 countries including the manufacturer of the United States. American Apparel is a proud manufacturer of apparel in the United States selling in over 20 states.
One who engages in the practice of purchasing apparel.
No Sweat Apparel was created in 2000.
American Apparel was created in 1989.
American Apparel's population is 11,300.