Defense man Another word for defendent is someone who is defend their self from the plantiff. Another word for defendent is someone who is defend their self from the plantiff.
The word sesquipedalian means to use large words. Another word is verbose. Someone who uses unfamiliar words could be called pretentious.
Another word for someone being stuck up is 'snob.'
The another word for theatrical drama using palindromes is "Sagas"
When someone is being cordial they are being polite.
Using the word nutcase is not socially acceptable. You should use the word mentally ill to refer to someone who has issues with their mentality.
The process of forming a word using the letters of another word is called an anagram.
'Exploiting' carries a range of meanings, none of which has a full one-word synonym. For example, it can mean the following: Making gain out of Making gain at the expense of Making use of Turning to productive use Using selfishly Taking advantage of Taking unfair advantage of
Murder is another word.
Another word for kidnapping and forcing someone to do something is "abduction."
Defense man Another word for defendent is someone who is defend their self from the plantiff. Another word for defendent is someone who is defend their self from the plantiff.
You can obtain the meaning of a word in another language by using translation tools like Google Translate, dictionaries, language learning apps, or by asking someone fluent in that language.
The word for someone who governs is a governor. Another word for someone who governs would be president or mayor.
The word that means someone arriving from another country is "immigrant."
Another word for said is stated.