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Meteor is another word for shooting star. Meteorite, meteoroid and fireball are additional synonyms for shooting star.

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Q: Another word for shooting star
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Another name for meteor?

A "shooting star" or a "falling star".

Is shooting star one word?

Two words

What is the Japanese word for shooting star?

nagare boshi

What is another word for meteors?

it is called an Asteroid when it is in space and it is called a meteor when it enters earth atmosphere or a meteor could be called a shooting star

Is meteor another name for shooting star?

Shooting stars are actually objects burning in the Earth's atmosphere. The name "shooting star" originates from ancient times (before advanced scientific investigation) when these burning meteors were though to actually be stars shooting across the night sky. Those that survive and crash onto the Earth's surface are then called meteorites.

What is another name for a shooting star in space?

A shooting star is another name for a meteorite, small pieces of rock or ice passing through the upper atmosphere burning up as the air around them becomes thicker and creates friction. Some meteors dont burn up completely and land on earth

Why is a shooting star bettter than a hamburger?

Because on a shooting star you can wish for better things like a free hamburger all year round, perhaps. On the other hand, you can't wish on a hamburger for another shooting star. - acidoerez

What is another word for playing marbles?

Shooting marbles.

When was The Shooting Star created?

The Shooting Star was created in 1942.

What is the correct term for a shooting star?

A meteor. If any of it survives the fall through the atmosphere and makes it to Earth, that part is a meteorite.

When is the next shooting star going to be in 2012?

Next shooting star

What does a shooting star in suspicion represent?

In suspicion, a shooting star represents a broken piece of a star !!!