affected or artificial
Depending on the context, another word for sophisticated might be refined.
sophisticated production techniques = advanced / modern / highly developed
sophisticated woman = suave / cultured / cosmopolitan / polished
what is another word fordebonair***Other words for debonair are suave, sophisticated, cultured, confident, charming, chivalrous, gentlemanly, refined, stylish, smart, dashing...
The word 'sophisticated' is not a noun at all. The word 'sophisticated' is an adjective, a word used to describe a noun.The abstract noun form is 'sophistication', a word for the a quality of being cultured, knowledgeable, complex, or subtle; a word for a concept.A related noun form is 'sophisticate', a concrete noun, a word for a person.
Stool or Faeces
Someone who is sophisticated is fashionable and filled with lots of world experience. Antonyms for this word are crude or naive.
(The adjective means "modern" or stylish, or up-to-date.)The club was known for having a sophisticated clientele.She changed her hairstyle to appear more sophisticated.The network connection devices employ very sophisticated programming.
what is another word fordebonair***Other words for debonair are suave, sophisticated, cultured, confident, charming, chivalrous, gentlemanly, refined, stylish, smart, dashing...
The word sophisticated in Spanish is sofisticado.
Sophisticated, Intelligent, Head screwed on right, Brilliant, Einstein, etc.
Blend is one I use frequently. It isn't as sophisticated but it is easy to visualize and doesn't sound so haughty.
The word 'sophisticated' is not a noun at all. The word 'sophisticated' is an adjective, a word used to describe a noun.The abstract noun form is 'sophistication', a word for the a quality of being cultured, knowledgeable, complex, or subtle; a word for a concept.A related noun form is 'sophisticate', a concrete noun, a word for a person.
Stool or Faeces
The word "sophisticated" is spelled as follows: S-O-P-H-I-S-T-I-C-A-T-E-D.
· zealous