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No. Contempt is to hold a person or thing of which you have some knowledge in low regard. Prejudice is to pre judge a person or thing with no previous knowledge or experience of the person or thing, without forming your own conclusions based on personal experience or knowledge.

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8y ago

Distain and disrespect are synonyms for contempt. Additional synonyms include disregard, hatred, malice, ridicle and scorn.

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What part of speech is the word contemptuous?

Contemptuous is an adjective.

What is another word for disdainful?

Sneering, Scornful, Derisive, Condescending, Aloof, Contemptuous, Mocking :)

Is the word contemptuous an adjective?

Yes , contemptuous is an adjective whereas contemptuously is an adverb .

What is the another word for discrimination?

Hi, another word for discrimination can be harassment or perjudices.

What is the root word in contemptuous?

The root word in "contemptuous" is "contempt," which means a feeling of disdain or scorn towards someone or something.

How do you use contemptuous in a sentence?

Contemptuous means to have feelings of contempt or disdain in another. For example, watching another person sloppily eat with their hands would make you contemptuous of their table manners.The warrior, having never been injured or ill, was contemptuous of those who were.Many men are wholly contemptuous of women, because they erroneously equate non-aggressive behavior with impotence, and physical weakness with psychological weakness.The woman gave the kissing couple a contemptuous stare which made it quite clear that she did not approve of homosexuality.Due to his contemptuous behavior, the judge gave the defendant a stiff jail sentence.The word comtemptuous, is a long one, said Billy.

What does the word mean supercillious?

Contemptuous or proud.

What is the noun of contemptuous?

The noun contempt actually leads to two different adjectives. Contemptible, which means deserving of contempt, and contemptuous, which means feeling contempt.

What is the part of speech contemptuous?

The word "contemptuous" is an adjective. It describes someone showing disdain, scorn, or disrespect towards something or someone.

What is the adjective for contemptuous?

Contemptuous is an adjectiveShe gave him a contemptuous look

Use contemptuous in a sentence?

The class gave the new student acontemptuous look after he answered the teachers question.Contemptuous means: showing or feeling contempt; scornful; disdainful.-Best of Luck, Kristen

What is the suffix for the word prejudice?

The suffix for the word prejudice is "-ice."