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There are three adjectives for the noun solitude:

referred to a person who loves stay alone - solitary or loner;

referred to a place - lonely, solitary, deserted;

referred to something standing alone or isolated - lone; a lone pine, the Lone Star State, a lone wolf;

referred to a widowed parent - lone

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10y ago
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14y ago

Synonyms for lonely are alone, apart, companionless, deserted, desolate, destitute, estranged, and reclusive.

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10y ago

Solitary means being alone. Animals that are solitary live as single animals or as a single pair, rather than in large groups.

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12y ago

Another word for working alone may be 'Self Employed'. Actually the self employed person is working on his own and architect of his own fortune.

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15y ago

unatached, alone,

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14y ago

Solitary, single and remote

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13y ago

Solitude, loneliness

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