The word Exclusive does not have a root.
Example sentence - Her behavior was a commendable example for her peers.
An example sentence is a sentence written to show usage of a particular word or phrase. This sentence is an example of an example sentence!
That is a sentence using the word troops.
Example sentence: We play after school.
Exclusive can be used in a sentence it means great value or for this priced(time limited). My sentence is, I got proactive for a exclusive price only 5.95. That is a sentence that works.
Generally, you give a real estate broker an exclusive right to sell your property.
There are manycasinosin London.All thecasinosare very exclusive.
This is an example of a sentence using the word breakfast.
Example sentence with the word "advise":"I would advise you not to do that."
This is an example of an exclamatory sentence using the word happening!
The suffix word of "exclusive" is "exclusivity."
This site is exclusive to our premium members.
"I looked already and it wasn't there!" Is an example sentence.
I can give you an example sentence. One example of the cat family is the lion.
use a example word indiffrent on a sentence
I spent my vacation at an exclusive resort.