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Q: Abject is to as awry is to?
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How can you use abject in a sentence?

He is in abject poverty , abject horror

Awry in a sentence?

The wind blew the shades awry.

How do you use the word abject in a sentence?

(abject - as in a low or miserable condition, or despicable)The homeless people lived a life of abject poverty.The man's face wore an expression of abject horror.After his girlfriend left him, he was in an abject mood for weeks. (hopeless, despondent)

What does awry mean?

awry means that something went bad

What is a sentence using the word awry?

To be awry is to be crooked. An example sentence would be: She asked them to please not hang her picture awry.

What is the synonym for abject?

Wretched, miserable, hopeless, pathetic, pitiful are all synonyms for abject

What is a sentence with awry?

ahe plans that i have made for joining wipro are going awry.

How do you write a sentence with awry?

Not all love stories go awry. My intention to surprise my boyfriend went awry when he thought I was mad at him. Keeping my vow to study harder went awry when my favorite movie came on TV.

A sentence with the word awry?

The plan went awry when unexpected obstacles disrupted our progress.

What is the Hindi word for abject?

The Hindi word for abject is "हावी," pronounced as "haavi."

What is the definition of the word abject?

One can define the word abject as existing in a low condition or state. To be the most miserable, hopeless and downtrodden. Synonyms for abject include, degraded, outcast, pitiable.

A sentence with the word abject in it?

Since the Depression began they had been living in abject poverty and could only afford the necessities to live.