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Q: A verb meaning to soak that rhymes with French?
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What rhymes with bonne in french?

words that rhyme with bonne in French: donne (give), aumône (alm), nonne (nun), sonne (from the verb meaning to ring), tonne.

Is use a french verb?

"Use" is not a French verb; it is an English verb meaning to employ or operate something for a specific purpose. In French, you can use the verb "utiliser" to convey a similar meaning.

Is 'attender' a verb in the French language?

"Attender" is not a verb in the French language. The correct equivalent verb for "to attend" in French is "assister."

What is the french verb meaning to act?


What is the french word meaning to have?

The verb "to have" is avoir.

What does the word Dormir mean in French?

The verb dormir means "to sleep" in French. Dormir is an irregular verb, meaning it has a different conjugation pattern from other verbs with the -ir ending in French. This verb has the same meaning in Spanish.

What is the meaning of French word voir?

Voir (verb) means 'to see' in French.

What action verb rhymes with them?

"Hem" is an action verb that rhymes with "them."

Is entrée a French verb?

Entrée is a noun meaning 'entrance', 'doorway', or 'appetizer' in French. It is also the (feminine) present partciple for the verb 'entrer', meaning to enter.

What rhymes with the french word concombre?

sombre, décombre, encombre (from verb encombrer)

Entoure meaning in French?

"entourer" (verb) means 'to surround, to come around' in French.

What does fermer mean in french?

Fermer is a verb meaning to 'close'.