Ah, a small rock with "ton" in the word is commonly known as a pebble. Just imagine the gentle sound of a stream flowing over smooth pebbles, each one unique and special in its own way. Embrace the simplicity and beauty of nature's little treasures, my friend.
The name is "ton". Another possible name is "metric ton" but it is a different weight.
The word skeleton has three syllables. (Ske-le-ton)
To look at this let us look at these examples using the word "Ton". Literal use of the word "ton". 1) There is a ton of sand in that pile. Figurative use of the word "ton". 2) I have a ton of homework to do tonight. Thus any statement or phrase intended to be interpreted in the strict meaning of the word or words - is literal, while any statement or phrase not intended to be understood literally - is figurative.
Neigh means near (as in the word neighbor, a person who lives nearby) and neigh on to a ton means nearly a ton, so if something is just a bit less heavy than a ton, it could be described that way.
The name for a small rock added to letters to make a ton is a "pebble."
Ah, a small rock with "ton" in the word is commonly known as a pebble. Just imagine the gentle sound of a stream flowing over smooth pebbles, each one unique and special in its own way. Embrace the simplicity and beauty of nature's little treasures, my friend.
Well a ton is 2,000 lbs. So probably a small car can be a ton. Or you have have 1 ton of rock,soil, sand.
Well, isn't that a lovely little riddle! The small rock you can add two letters to and make it a ton is a pebble. Just imagine that tiny pebble growing into a big, strong ton with those extra letters. Isn't that just delightful?
A one ton rock would weigh 2000 pounds or 907 kilograms, but the physical size can vary greatly depending on the density and composition of the rock. It could be as small as a basketball or as large as a small car.
lol rockon:P
tons, a plural but one ton of rocks
there is about 1.25 yards to a ton,so 22.5 tons would be approx 18 yards
Look in the dictionary for the words starting with "dec" and see if the word your looking for comes up.dectorion,decahemisperethat works.. you'll find a ton!
Is this a trick question? A ton of anything should weigh a ton.
One ton of river rock will comprise a volume of rock. How much area that covers depends on what depth it is covered to.