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consensus. If your not this may seem like a random question but are you in mackey civics.

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Q: A general agreement among various groups on fundamental matters?
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Is cane a common noun?

Yes, the noun 'cane' is a common noun, a general word for any of various tall woody grasses or reeds; a general word for a walking stick; a general word for a rod used to flog.The word 'cane' is also a verb: cane, canes, caning, caned.

Ritual is a fundamental aspect of culture justify the statement?

Ritual is a fundamental aspect of culture beside the diversity of culture religion ritual and tradition and there is a good understanding amongst the people of different background. people take part and respect each other traditions and rituals .

Is pen a common noun?

Yes, the noun 'pen' is a common noun; a general word for an instrument for writing or drawing with ink; a general word for any of various other pen-shaped devices (insulin pen or laser pen); a general word for a small enclosure for animals; a word for any pen of any kind.The word pen is also a verb: pen, pens, penning, penned.

What does the acronym GSG stand for?

The acronym GSI has various of words it can stand for. Some words it can stand for are Global Security Institute, Government Secure Intranet, and Graduate Student Instructor.

What is the vocab word for easy to divide mentally?

The vocabulary word for being easy to divide mentally is "divisible." In mathematics, a number is considered divisible if it can be divided by another number without leaving a remainder. This concept is fundamental in arithmetic and plays a crucial role in various mathematical operations and problem-solving strategies.

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What is the word that means a general agreement among various groups?


What does the budget of the US government represent?

An agreement among various politicians about public spending.

What is the importance of habere in the context of Roman law?

In Roman law, "habere" was important because it referred to the right of possession or ownership of property. It was a fundamental concept that determined legal rights and responsibilities in various legal matters.

Subcontractor Agreement?

Get StartedA Subcontractor Agreement is an agreement between a general contractor (the "General Contractor") and another party who has subcontracted to perform work and services for the General Contractor (the "Subcontractor"). The General Contractor is the party who will contract directly with the owner of the property on which the Subcontractor will be working. Frequently, the General Contractor has portions of the larger project that the General Contractor prefers not to do. Therefore, the General Contractor contracts those portions out to another party, the Subcontractor.If it is available, the Subcontractor may wish to review the Original Contract between the Owner and the General Contractor to be sure that there are no conflicting terms between it and the anticipated Subcontractor Agreement.This agreement allows the parties to describe which services and materials the Subcontractor will provide, specify the price for the work, and assign various rights and liabilities between the parties. Important provisions regarding indemnification, insurance, change orders, unforeseen conditions, defaults, the nature of the parties' relationship and miscellaneous concerns are also included.This agreement should be signed by both parties and becomes effective as of the date inserted at the beginning of the agreement.

Is it possible to create a prenuptial agreement after marriage has already taken place?

Yes, it is possible to create a postnuptial agreement after marriage has already taken place. This legal document outlines how assets and debts will be divided in the event of divorce or death. It can address various financial matters and provide clarity on each spouse's rights and responsibilities.

What are the duties of a party leader in the house of representatives?

The leader of the house of representative is primarily responsible for the direction of its business. he sees that time is provided for debates on various matters and in doing this, consults the opposition and seeks to reach agreement about the business to be discussed in the house each day

What the legal advisor to the state government is known as?

The legal advisor to the state government is known as the State Attorney General. This individual is responsible for providing legal counsel and representation to the state government in various legal matters. The Attorney General also oversees the state's legal affairs and represents the state in court cases.

How can you tell if your husband is cheating you with his ex?

Your husband can show various signs when he is cheating. He might be mentioning his ex in various matters.

Who deals with the nations matters?

The various departments of the government charged with specific duties

What are some examples of treatments for cancer?

There is no general cure unfortunately, but there are various treatments. Depending of the stage of the cancer they could try to remove the infected tissue. Another way is to use chemo. It is strongly suggested to discuss these matters with your doctor!

The general willingness of consumers to purchase a product at various prices is .?

Demand is the general willingness of consumers to purchase a product at various prices.

What is an insurance agreement?

There can be various types of agreement for an insurance policy, which would operate to smooth the path of contribution settlements. A typical agreement can be in relation to injuries suffered by employees being carried by the employer's vehicle in course of their employment.