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Irony- the discrepancy between reality and expectation.

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Q: A discrepancy between reality and expectation is referred to as?
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Related questions

What is it called when there is a difference between what one expects to happen and what actually happens?

It's called a "discrepancy" or "discrepancy between expectation and reality." This can lead to feelings of surprise, disappointment, or even confusion.

When what we expect to happen and what actually happends?

When the outcome of a situation differs from what was anticipated or predicted, it is referred to as a "discrepancy" between expectation and reality. This can occur in various aspects of life, such as relationships, work, or events. It is important to adapt and learn from these instances to better navigate future situations.

A difference between expectations and reality?

expectation is what we wish things to be, reality is what they tun out to be.

What phrase refers to the contrast between what is expected to happen and what actually does happen?

That concept is known as irony. It involves a discrepancy between expectation and reality, often manifesting in a situation that is the opposite of what one would expect.

What is a discrepancy between appearances and reality?

This is defined as irony.

Contrast between expectation and reality?

Expectation is an attitude of hope. Reality is a quality of being actual or true

What is discrepancy between expection and reality?

various metaphysical properties in the like...

What are Expectation gaps?

The difference between reality and what you expect

When expectations don't match reality?

Among many, I like one of the simplest (Satisfaction = Reality - Expectation) where (Reality = Perception) and a positive satisfaction occurs when perception overcomes expectation and vice-versa.

What is the contrast between appearance and reality or what is expected and what actually happens.?


What is romantic irony?

Romantic irony is a literary technique where the author or narrator presents events in a way that is different from what the characters understand, creating a sense of irony for the reader. It often involves contrasting romantic ideals with the reality of a situation, highlighting the discrepancy between expectation and outcome. This technique is commonly found in works of Romantic literature.

What is ironic about the invitation the servant extends to Romeo?

"If you be not of the house of Montague . . ." The servant would not have extended the invitation had he known that Romeo was a Montague, as we know he is. The discrepancy between the reality and the servant's mistaken understanding of it creates a dramatic irony.