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Q: 5 things that influence our behavior?
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What are the four basic goals of psychology?

The four basic goals of psychology are to describe behavior, explain behavior, predict behavior, and control or influence behavior. These goals aim to help understand human behavior and mental processes.

Is power the same as influence?

Power and influence are related concepts but they are not the same. Power refers to the ability to make things happen while influence refers to the ability to affect the behavior or opinions of others. Power can be used to influence, but influence does not always require power.

How do you explain the term 'influence'?

the capacity or power of persons or things to be a compelling force on or produce effects on the actions, behavior, opinions, etc., of others: He used family influence to get the contract.

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what are the factors that influence group behavior

How role models can influence life?

they can influence me when I done this changing behavior

How role models can influence your life?

they can influence me when I done this changing behavior

How can ones behavior have a negative influence on one's health?

Behavior includes things like drinking, smoking, and staying up late. Most people know that those kinds of behaviors are not good for your health.

Influence of attitude to one's behavior?

how can ones attitude influece ones behavior?

What effects does reinforcement have on behavior?

Consequences influence behavior, you reinforce a certain behavior and they will act because of consequences

What factors influence our political orientation and voting behavior?

Party identification and ideology are more general, long-run factors that influence voting behavior.

What are 5 things that influence the movement of a car?

Engine, wheels, driver, fuel and slope of the ground.