you can say 4 like four
there are many different ways to spell Marisa, there is; Marisa, Marissa, Marrisa, Marrissa, Morisa, Morissa, Morrisa, Morrissa, Merisa, Merissa, Merrisa, Merrissa
There are many ways to spell Allyson (it's funny cause that's my name!!) Allyson Alyson Allison (my name spelling) Alison About 4
There are 6 different letters. That means you have 6 choices for placing the first letter. Once you have placed that letter, you now have 5 choices for the second letter. So you have 6*5 = 30 options for the first two letters. Continuing this way, you have 6*5*4*3*2*1 = 720 ways to rearrange the 6 letters.
I think 4 different ways
4! = 24, they can be arranged in 24 different ways
4 people seated on a row may have 4! = 4x3x2x1 = 24 different ways to sit.
24 ways
4 x 3 x 2 different ways, ie 24
There are a few different ways of writing a ratio, which are shown here:As a fraction- like 3/4, or like this 3:4 or 3 to 4
19 ways
There are 24 ways (4 times 3 times 2 times 1) to put 4 different letters in order.
The different methods evolved separately. Also, different ways are sometimes better in different situations.