It is not certain if the question asked to convert lower case to upper case, or upper case to lower case. This answer assumes the latter. You could easily change this around for the former.
ConvertToLower (char*psz) {
while (*psz != '\0') {
switch (*psz) {
case 'A': *psz = 'a'; break;
case 'B': *psz = 'b'; break;
case 'C': *psz = 'c'; break;
case 'D': *psz = 'd'; break;
case 'E': *psz = 'e'; break;
case 'F': *psz = 'f'; break;
case 'G': *psz = 'g'; break;
case 'H': *psz = 'h'; break;
case 'I': *psz = 'i'; break;
case 'J': *psz = 'j'; break;
case 'K': *psz = 'k'; break;
case 'L': *psz = 'l'; break;
case 'M': *psz = 'm'; break;
case 'N': *psz = 'n'; break;
case 'O': *psz = 'o'; break;
case 'P': *psz = 'p'; break;
case 'Q': *psz = 'q'; break;
case 'R': *psz = 'r'; break;
case 'S': *psz = 's'; break;
case 'T': *psz = 't'; break;
case 'U': *psz = 'u'; break;
case 'V': *psz = 'v'; break;
case 'W': *psz = 'w'; break;
case 'X': *psz = 'x'; break;
case 'Y': *psz = 'y'; break;
case 'Z': *psz = 'z'; break;
Warning. Do not be tempted to replace the switch statement with ...
if (*psz >= 'A' && *psz <= 'Z') *psz += 32;
... because that will only work on ASCII implementations, and it is most definitely not portable, such as in EBCDIC implementations.
This is not a question.
C does not define a setpixel() function; it is a non-standard function. C is intended for general-purpose programming but graphics handling is system-specific. There are third-party libraries available to cater for graphics handling (many of which are generic) but without knowing which library you are using nor on which platform, it would be impossible to demonstrate a setpixel() function in any meaningful way. Best advice is to consult the documentation that came with your graphics library.
String library function is one which is used to perform an operation in C-programming,without which library functions likestrlen(),strcp(),strcmp(),strdup(),strrev(),etc..,.can be performed
There is a function which can do it for you. You have to include math.h in headers. And then use the function pow(x, y) which returns a value of type double (x and y are double too).pow(x, y) = x to the power of y.
This is not a question.
You can write a program without specifying its prototype when the function returns an integer.If the prototype is not mentioned the compiler thinks that the return type of the function used is integer.When making program which return integer you can ignore writing the protoype.
to convert AC into DC voltage without fluctuation
It is not possible. In C, any program must have at least one function to be able to compile and execute properly: the function main()
No. Not unless you have a video editing program that has a converter integrated into the program.
C programs do not function without functions.
C does not define a setpixel() function; it is a non-standard function. C is intended for general-purpose programming but graphics handling is system-specific. There are third-party libraries available to cater for graphics handling (many of which are generic) but without knowing which library you are using nor on which platform, it would be impossible to demonstrate a setpixel() function in any meaningful way. Best advice is to consult the documentation that came with your graphics library.
It can be done via its address, for example: void function (void (*callback)(void)) { (*callback)(); }
String library function is one which is used to perform an operation in C-programming,without which library functions likestrlen(),strcp(),strcmp(),strdup(),strrev(),etc..,.can be performed
not possible dude