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Identification division. Program-id. Fibonacci. Environment division. Data division. Working-storage section. 77 n pic 9(18). 77 n1 pic z(18). 77 m pic 9(18) value 1. 77 o pic 9(18). 77 i pic 9(4) value 1. 77 q pic x. Procedure division. Para-a. Display ( 1 , 1 ) erase. Display ( 2 , 1 ) "fibonacci numbers from 1 to 100 are:". Move 0 to n. Display " ". Display 0. Display 1. Move 0 to o. Para-b. Compute n = o + m. Move n to n1. Move m to o. Move n to m. Display n1. Add 1 to i. If i = 21 display "press tab key to view next page." accept q. If i = 41 display "press tab key to view next page." accept q. If i = 61 display "press tab key to view next page." accept q. If i = 81 display "press tab key to view next page." accept q if i = 99 go to stop-para else go to para-b. Stop-para. Display " ". Stop run.

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Q: Write a cobol pgm to find the Fibonacci series?
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What is the importance of the Fibonacci series?

The Importance of Fibonacci's series is that it helps people find more patterns 1+0=1 1+1=2 1+2=3 2+3=5 5+3=8 etc.

Where can a person find information about COBOL?

COBOL was originally designed by Grace Hopper and is on of the oldest programming languages. The name stands for Common Business Orientated Language. More information can be found at websites such as Wikipedia.

Can you have the program in C plus plus for recursive function generating a series of terms?

Yes, this can be done. For example for Fibonacci series. You will find plenty of examples if you google for the types of series you need to be generated.

Why did Fibonacci create the Fibonacci Sequence?

I think Fibonacci wanted to find how many swirls or petals were on a flower ....... most of them are Fibonacci numbers....i think.... doin a projct......= )

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Find about microfocus Cobol at below link

Why did Fibonacci find his sequence so interesting?

Fibonacci found it interesting because he loved maths

What were Fibonacci's other names?

Fibonacci's other names were Leonardo of Pisa, Leonardo Pisano, Leonardo Bonacci and Leonardo Fibonacci.

Second sem cobol question paper previous year?

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When did Leonardo Fibonacci find the Fibionacci sequence?

His treatise, Liber abaci (1202), contains the famous Fibonacci sequence.

Where does the Fibonacci sequence occur?

In nautilus shells and you have 5 fingers and that is a Fibonacci number. Find a better answer, I'm running out of answers!

Write a program to generate the Fibonacci series using non-recursive method?

In c: int fibr(int n) { // Find nth Fibonacci number using recursion. if (n<=2) return 1; // the first two Fibonacci numbers are 1 and 1 return (fibr(n-2)+fibr(n-1)); } int fibi(int n) { // Find nth Fibonacci number using iteration. int temp,last=1,f=1; int i; for (i=3;i<n;++i) { // the first two Fibonacci numbers are 1 and 1 temp=f; f+=last; last=temp; } return f; }

Why Fibonacci thought the Fibonacci sequence was so interesting?

he didn't actually find it interesting, in fact he fell asleep straight after he found it .