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please read data structure (schaum series) books

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Q: Write a algorithm for a deque operations?
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The time complexity of deque operations in data structures is O(1), which means they have constant time complexity.

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How do you write a program to delete elements at both ends of a deque using C plus plus?

The C++ STL (Standard Template Library) provides a std::deque template specifically for this purpose: std::deque<int> deq {}; // default construct an empty deque of type int deq.push_back (42); // deq = {42} deq.push_front (0); // deq = {0, 42} deq.push_back (100); // deq = {0, 42, 100} deq.pop_front (); // deq = {42, 100} deq.pop_back (); // deq = {42} As with all other STL containers, any type or class that can be copy or move constructed can be placed in a std::deque, including other STL containers (even std::deque itself).

What is the running time of the algorithm being used for this task?

The running time of the algorithm being used for this task refers to the amount of time it takes for the algorithm to complete its operations. It is a measure of how efficient the algorithm is in solving the task at hand.

How do you write an Algorithm for a C plus plus Program?

You don't write an algorithm for a C++ program, unless you are documenting the C++ program after-the-fact. The normal procedure is to write the algorithm first, in a language independent fashion, and then translate that stated algorithm into C++ code, or into whatever language you wish.

Give 10 difference between dda and bresenham algorithm?

DDA algorithm involves floating-point operations, while Bresenham algorithm uses only integer operations. DDA algorithm calculates the exact position of each pixel, while Bresenham algorithm determines the closest pixel to the ideal line path. DDA algorithm can suffer from precision issues due to floating-point calculations, while Bresenham algorithm is more accurate and efficient. DDA algorithm is simpler to implement but slower than Bresenham algorithm. DDA algorithm is susceptible to rounding errors, while Bresenham algorithm is not. DDA algorithm can produce jagged lines due to rounding errors, while Bresenham algorithm generates smoother lines. DDA algorithm is suitable for both lines and circles, while Bresenham algorithm is primarily used for drawing lines. DDA algorithm can handle lines with any slope, while Bresenham algorithm is more efficient for lines with slopes close to 0 or 1. DDA algorithm involves multiplication and division operations, while Bresenham algorithm uses addition and subtraction operations. DDA algorithm is a general line drawing algorithm, while Bresenham algorithm is specialized for line drawing and rasterization.

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