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Yes, but things would be vastly different, and civilization as we know it would change, going back to a point hundreds of, or more, years ago.

There is an old saying that "World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones, because World War III will destroy our technology, that is, if we don't destroy ourselves completely." I hope not. I hope and pray that we can find a way to live in peace.

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Q: Would the world survive if technology was destroyed?
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How Technology is harming the environment?

initially the technology we have is not harming the environment, we are. Think about it, if we had all the same technology but we used it only in times that we had to, the world would be much cleaner and everyone would be much healthier.

What are advantage and dis advantage of technology?

Technology has opened new doors to people. Without technology there would be no computers, cars, wikianswers :P or anything that would make the world what it is today. Disadvatages of technology would be that every day alot of green house gasses are being produced from factories all over the world. but if we increase our knowledge and technological powers we will some day be able to power factories and such without the use of bad fuels

How is the world better because of technology?

The world is much better with technology. Look all around you. The following daily items you use is part of technology some computerized some not: cars, stoves, cell phones, etc. Without technology, we would be unable to make the medical advances we are able to today. There would be more deaths. We are able to vastly share information in ways people thought was impossible before.

Myth of technology transfer in the third world?

There is not much technology in the third world. It is a myth that they are as wired in as first world countries.

What would the world be without engineers?

Without Engineers the world would never be imagined. There will not be any ease in life.No transportation,No concrete Building, No technology and software.Life will be dull and stand alone.

Related questions

When would the world would be destroyed?

The world will probably be destroyed in billions of years from 2012

Why did Albert Einstein say that world war 4 would be fought with sticks and stones?

Because if we have a World War 3, all our technology could be destroyed and we would be back to where we were at the beginning, fighting with sticks and stones.

Can the whole world survive on solar energy alone?

No, the technology does not exist now.

What would happen if there would be no human worker in dis world?

that would mean either humans actually use technology to its potential, or the anti-economy destroyed everything of use and humans are now extinct.

Why did supermen come to aerth?

Superman's home world was getting destroyed so he came to Earth to survive.

What made it harder for the Chinese to resist Western influence?

the technology developed during the Industrial Revolution

If the planets are destroyed what would happen to the world?

it will be destroyed, considering Earth is a planet.

How would the world survive without water?

The world would survive just fine but every living thing on it would die.

Is human technology a progression or destruction in the world?

That actually depends on whom you ask. Some would say that our technology is becoming rapidly too advanced for us to control, while others think that all of the new technology will actually help the earth survive longer.

What would happen if the world was destroyed and disipeared?

we would die

What about if you would have no technology?

then the world would be blah

What would happen if suddenly no technology in this world?

If suddenly no technology in this world then no one will be able to see my answer... :)