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we do not use induction generator because it require an external source (synchronous generator) that provide reactive power to it.

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Q: Why you not usually use induction generator?
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What are the advantages of induction generator in college?

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What is another name for an ac generator?

an induction generator

How do you reverse single phase ac motor to generator?

how reversing an ac single phase induction motor to wark as induction generator

How many types of AC generator are there?

Induction type alternator and synchronous generator.

Why do you use induction generators in wind generation rather than synchronous generators?

If you use synchronous generator... you need rotor to rotate always in synchronous speed... practically it s not possible always to produce that speed by air flow... Air flow always varies...But using induction generator, you need to get speed to make slip as positive value.. it is always induction generator is best one..

Device that converts mechanical mechanical energy into electricity by electromagnetic induction?


How does a generator use electromagnetic induction?

A generator uses electromagnetic induction by moving a coil of wire through a magnetic field. As the coil moves, it cuts through the magnetic field lines, inducing a current in the coil according to Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction. This current is then transferred out as electrical energy.

How is energy transferred by a generator?

Energy is transferred by a generator through electromagnetic induction. As the rotor inside the generator spins, it creates a changing magnetic field that induces a current in the wire loops of the stator. This current is the electrical energy that is then transferred out of the generator for use.

Is capacitor bank needed for generator?

Capacitors are usually used in power systems to corect power factor, which is a ver complex feild. However, yes capacitors are somtimes used with induction generators. When an induction motor is used as a generator, the spinning rotor has no appreaciable magnetisim and so the motor cannot generate electricity. Carefuly selected capacitors overcome the this difficulty induction machines have in generating voltage allowing them to opperate indipendently from another conventional generator.

Difference between induction motor and induction generator?

in case of induction motor the rotor speed is less than synchronous speed giving positive slip but in case of generator the rptor speed is greater than synchronous speed giving negative slip.......

What has the author Xusheng Chen written?

Xusheng Chen has written: 'Induction generator modeling and relaying' -- subject(s): Electric machinery, Induction, Electric motors, Induction, Induction Electric machinery, Induction Electric motors

Why is the frequency of a synchronous generator locked into its rate of shaft rotation?

By definition a synchronous generator must be synchronous. If it is not "locked in" it is not a synchronous generator, but an induction machine.