Generally SCR is used at high power applications, in order to withstand the temperature dissipated in the SCR, THERMAL STABILITY is very high enough. It means that thermal stability of silicon is very high compared to germanium that's why germanium is not preferred. But that does not mean it is not possible, in fact before silicon became common in the 1960s devices equivalent to the SCR were built using germanium!
A TRIAC does not have a symmetrical turn-on point in the opposite quadrant. This will introduce a DC bias, which you probably don't want. You can use an SCR, and then add diodes to allow it to operate in the opposite quadrant, or you can use two SCR's. Alternatively, you can use a DIAC in the TRIAC's gate circuit to balance the turn on point.
A SCR is a Silcon Controlled Recifier. It is a four layer device that can be conceptually considered to be two transistors in latch up configuration. (Though not exactly) For an SCR, there will be no conduction between anode and cathode until the gate / cathode junction is biased on. At that point, the SCR will latch up and conduct from anode to cathode, regardless of further changes on the gate. This condition will persist until the anode / cathode voltage drops to zero. The SCR can be used as a half wave dimmer in an AC circuit. If you want full wave operation, you need to use a bridge rectifier around the SCR, or use a TRIAC/DIAC circuit.
Whenever you measure resistance, the resistance itself cannot be negative!When an SCR (Semiconductor Controlled Rectifier) is not conducting, it has a high resistance between its anode and its cathode. When its gate is triggered and the SCR is conducting, it has a low resistance between its anode and its cathode.For more information about SCRs, see the answer to the Related Question (for which a link is shown below) and also the Related Link.
because lekage current of silicon is less than germenium
Generally SCR is used at high power applications, in order to withstand the temperature dissipated in the SCR, THERMAL STABILITY is very high enough. It means that thermal stability of silicon is very high compared to germanium that's why germanium is not preferred. But that does not mean it is not possible, in fact before silicon became common in the 1960s devices equivalent to the SCR were built using germanium!
the leakage current of silicon is less when compared with the leakage current of germanium.. hence scr's are made up of silicon than germanium.. hope tis one is useful to u all!- Vignesh.L(engineer, 1st year)
scr is basically a three terminal device can be used as diode by leaving one terminal
scr is a silicon control rectifier used to control the rectifing voltage.. its a bidirectional device can use it for both the directions......
And SCR will conduct appreciable current when it is gated "on" and thus "told" to conduct. A silicon controlled rectifier(SCR) is an electronically controlled DC switch, and the gate is the terminal to which the control voltage is applied. Use the link below to learn more.
A TRIAC does not have a symmetrical turn-on point in the opposite quadrant. This will introduce a DC bias, which you probably don't want. You can use an SCR, and then add diodes to allow it to operate in the opposite quadrant, or you can use two SCR's. Alternatively, you can use a DIAC in the TRIAC's gate circuit to balance the turn on point.
Germanium chloride is mainly used in the production of high-purity germanium metal for semiconductor applications, such as in the electronics industry. It is also used in some chemical research applications and as a precursor for other germanium compounds.
adams clasp
Silicon and germanium are used in semiconductors because of their unique electronic properties, specifically their ability to conduct electricity under certain conditions. They have a crystalline structure that allows them to be easily doped with impurities to control their electrical behavior, making them ideal for use in the fabrication of electronic devices such as transistors and diodes. Additionally, Silicon is the most abundant element on Earth after Oxygen, which makes it cost-effective for large-scale production of semiconductor devices.
A SCR is a Silcon Controlled Recifier. It is a four layer device that can be conceptually considered to be two transistors in latch up configuration. (Though not exactly) For an SCR, there will be no conduction between anode and cathode until the gate / cathode junction is biased on. At that point, the SCR will latch up and conduct from anode to cathode, regardless of further changes on the gate. This condition will persist until the anode / cathode voltage drops to zero. The SCR can be used as a half wave dimmer in an AC circuit. If you want full wave operation, you need to use a bridge rectifier around the SCR, or use a TRIAC/DIAC circuit.