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The higher level languages simplify instructions that could have taken many steps in a low level language. So puts("hello"); could be 20 instructions in assembler. So through this simplification, you lose a degree of control, depending on how high the language is.

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Q: Why you cannot have full control over computer hardware when programming in high level language?
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What is orthogonality in a programming language?

In computer programming, orthogonality in a programming language means that a relatively small set of primitive constructs can be combined in a relatively small number of ways to build the control and data structures of the language. The term is most-frequently used regarding assembly instruction sets, as orthogonal instruction set.

What are the characteristics of low level languages?

Instructions are either in machine code - or they are one to one with machine code - Using mnemonic codes for operations - Using labels for addresses of data - Used for controlling the computer/close to hardware - Allows direct manipulation of memory addresses - Contains a code for the operation to be carried out... - and a binary representation of the value to be manipulated/address of the value to be manipulated. - Different forms of addressing mentioned. - Different forms of instruction: Arithmetic/Jump/Control

What is plc and plc hardwere?

A control device, normally used in industrial control applications, that employs the hardware architecture of a computer and a relay ladder diagram language. Also known as programmable logic controller.

How do you control hardware in C?

Platform-dependent. If you have an OS on your computer, then most likely you cannot access hardware directly from userland programs.

Keywords in a programming language that allow the programmer to redirect the flow of the program based on a decision are called?

Keywords in a programming language that allow the programmer to redirect the flow of the program based on a decision are called

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What communicates directly with hardware?

The operating system of a computer is something that communicates directly with the hardware. This communication takes place through drive programs.

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Ted Holt has written: 'Power CL' -- subject- s -: IBM AS/400 - Computer -, Job Control Language - Computer program language -, Programming

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How a operating system is related to computer hardware?

The operating system (OS) controls the hardware. A successful computer system will have hardware and an operating system. Application software is not required. All operating systems have a low level, or machine language to run the operation system and control all hardware.

What is orthogonality in a programming language?

In computer programming, orthogonality in a programming language means that a relatively small set of primitive constructs can be combined in a relatively small number of ways to build the control and data structures of the language. The term is most-frequently used regarding assembly instruction sets, as orthogonal instruction set.

Who controls the computer hardware?

hardware control is a operating system. OS is used to control the elctronic devices(hardware) via user. because user can't control hardware directly so, OS is used to interface computer & user

What is the computer hardware that processes the 1's and 0s of computer language?

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quoting from stack exchange: "Zigbee", or IEEE 802.15.4, is a protocol. As such, it has no "programming language".

What are the characteristics of low level languages?

Instructions are either in machine code - or they are one to one with machine code - Using mnemonic codes for operations - Using labels for addresses of data - Used for controlling the computer/close to hardware - Allows direct manipulation of memory addresses - Contains a code for the operation to be carried out... - and a binary representation of the value to be manipulated/address of the value to be manipulated. - Different forms of addressing mentioned. - Different forms of instruction: Arithmetic/Jump/Control