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because the Wright Brothers invention taught people how to build planes without their invention we wouldn't have planes

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Q: Why was the wright brothers invention important?
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Related questions

What is the Wright brothers invention?

the Wright Brothers invention was the airplane

The wright brothers invention led to advancements in which type of transportation?

The Wright brothers' invention of the airplane led to advancements in air transportation.

Where did the wright brothers start their invention?

in a lab

What was the Wright brothers first invention?

The airplane.

What was the wright brothers invention used for?


Was the airplane invention the Wright Brothers only invention?

wind tunnel

Who are some famous brothers and sisters that made an invention?

The Wright Brothers

Who came up with the invention of airplanes?

the wright brothers

Why was the Wright Brothers invention so important?

The Wright Brothers invention was the means of producing powered flight in a machine that was heavier than air. It revolutionized the way we travel, the way we fight wars, the way we conduct commerce and generally made the world a smaller place.

Why are the wright brothers important in history?

They fixed bikes and made a printing press. The Wright Brothers invented the airplane, this is the main reason why they are remembered. More detail; The Wright brothers inventing the air plain was the biggest breakthrough because without the invention then transportation would be slow.

Why was rhe wright brothers important to researshn?

The wright brothers was important to research because we would not have air plane if whaten for the wright brothers

What are two important facts about the wright brothers?

Important facts about the Wright brothers