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Well before pneumatic tires were invented, tires made of wood or iron were fitted to stone, wooden or metal wheels to make them last longer. If you don't have a separate tire, the whole wheel has to be replaced when its outside edges get chipped and worn away. So it is probable that tires were invented soon after wheels because the people who invented wheels soon found out it was a good idea to have tires on them which could be replaced when they wore out.

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13y ago
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10y ago

The very first tires were made of bands of leather materials. Later on tires were made using steel and iron by skilled workers called wheelwrights.

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15y ago

All that is known is it was used by egyptians that had wood logs to roll rocks and large things.

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16y ago

Round logs were used by Early Man to roll heavy weights.

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Q: Why was the tire invented?
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Where was the tire invented?


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A Scottish doctor, John Dunlop invented the first air filled rubber tire in 1888.

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A Scottish doctor, John Dunlop invented the first pneumatic rubber tire in 1887

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Which scot invented the pneumatic tire?

Robert Thomson

What year was the tire invented?

children of Narnia made it in 1900

Who and when were tires invented?

The first rubber inflatable tire was invented by Scottish veterinarian, John Dunlop in 1887.