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During open circuit test on transformer, no load is connected across the secondary side. Hence, the total power drawn by the transformer is only to induce the voltage across the secondary, i.e., core loss AND negligible amount of primary copper loss. As the primary copper losses during open circuit are negligible, it is practice to attribute the open circuit power to core loss.

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Q: Why us the power measured during the open circuit test considered to be approximately equal to the core loss?
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Why 28 days test required for mcb testing why not 30 days?

The standard for testing of Miniature Circuit Breakers - IEC 60898 has arbitrarily decided on 28 days during which the temperature rise is to be measured. The standard states: "The circuit-breaker is in the closed position, the current being established and interrupted by an auxiliary switch. During this test the circuit-breaker shall not trip. During the last period of current flow the temperature-rise of the terminals shall be measured." If the characteristic can be verified for 28 days, the MCB passes the test. Hence 28 days, and not 30 days.

How do you measure consistency of software?

The consistency of software is measured during the process of user testing carried out either in-house or with a private beta test. Some of the main variables considered include reliability, performance, stability, and authentication issues.

Will voltage or current be higher in a circuit during short circuit?

Since a short circuit is, essentially, a zero impedance connection between nodes, the current in a short circuit is limited only by the ability of the source. In the case of an ideal voltage source connected to an ideal short circuit, you would have infinite amperes.

What is the definition of unipolar pulse in digital electronics?

Unipolarpulse waveforms consist of an applied anode potential during the on-period and an open-circuit potential during the off-period.

Breifly explain about reactive power in electric circuits?

Reactive power is opposite to Active power. The vector sum of these two powers is apprant power. So reactive power is vector difference between Apprant power & actual power given by Reactive power= Root of (difference between squares of apprant & active power). It is lost power of the system on which power factor depends.

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Why 28 days test required for mcb testing why not 30 days?

The standard for testing of Miniature Circuit Breakers - IEC 60898 has arbitrarily decided on 28 days during which the temperature rise is to be measured. The standard states: "The circuit-breaker is in the closed position, the current being established and interrupted by an auxiliary switch. During this test the circuit-breaker shall not trip. During the last period of current flow the temperature-rise of the terminals shall be measured." If the characteristic can be verified for 28 days, the MCB passes the test. Hence 28 days, and not 30 days.

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