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Light is emitted due to the de-excitaton of electrons from higher orbits of the various atoms of the light source.The de-excitation can also be to different levels in different atoms resulting in emission of different wavelengths.A light source will have numerous atoms in it.When you take two light sources it is not possible for all the atoms to get de-excited to the same shell at the same time(causing phase difference) that is why two independent sources cannot be coherent.

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Q: Why two independent sources cannot behave as a coherent sources?
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What is characteristics of current source?

The characteristic of the current sources is that it cannot operate in an pen circuit.

Is it true that if you cannot write papers for your life you are not an engineer?

There is no correlation. It is true in some cases and false in others. Trust me ... During my so-called career in that profession, I have encountered a substantial population of engineers none of whom could write two coherent sentences to save his life, let alone a 'paper'.

What energy sources might not be available in 2050?

It cannot be known for certain what will and will not be available in 2050. Speculation suggests at the present rate some fossil fuels will be almost exhausted and we may or may not have fusion power. Some form of fission will be available as will solar and other renewable sources.

How do you use the make tool in Unix?

This is an extremely complex topic that cannot be answered here. You need to learn how to create dependency rules in the 'make' language. Suggested sources include the O'Reilly books on 'make'.

How is energy manufactured?

Right now, coal and nuclear plants are the main sources of power. There are currently many efforts to shift this to renewable energy sources such as geothermal energy, solar energy, etc. The main reason for why renewable energy sources are currently not the main source is because their output cannot be adjusted during peak hours or other times of higher demand. In many cases, renewable energy plants are more expensive to operate as well. As for non-renewable energy sources, coal and nuclear plants can simply adjust their output during peak hours. The wind may die down or a storm may block the sun during peak hours, reducing the effectiveness of renewable power.

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well, some opposites are 'clear' and 'articulate(d)' also 'coherent' and 'llegible'. The'm not sure but maybe some already listed antonyms may help. My apoligies in that I cannot answer your question completely.

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how to make money, how to be independent

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