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I want my C++ program become interesting

How can I change the color of background and color of font even size of font.........

I will always use


to clear there screen.....

so I want do C++ DOS into something we call presentation like powerpoint


Any tutorial?

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Q: Why the background colour of turbo c plus plus is blue?
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Why is the background screen of c plus plus blue?

It has to be some color and blue is nice.

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What colour do you obtain from mixing blue plus pink?

try it!!

Blue plus black equals what colour?


Why red cross sign on the ambulance?

Switzerland's flag it's colour was red background and white plus and it was the first socity who made red colour .

What colour makes if you do orange minus yellow plus blue?

orange - yellow = red red + blue = purple

How the turbo c plus plus use in the computer?

How the turbo c plus plus use what in the computer.

What colour is produced when mixing red plus blue plus yellow plus green plus white and black?

A weird shade of black is produced:

Code for changing background color in C plus plus?

There is no generic C++ code for changing background colours as consoles are platform-specific. In Windows, for instance, you would use the SetConsoleTextAttribute function. The following code demonstrates how it works: #include<iostream> #include<Windows.h> int main() { for(int colour=0x00; colour<=0xff; ++colour) { SetConsoleTextAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE),colour); std::cout<<"Using colour:"<<colour<<std::endl; } return(0); } Note that the least-significant nybble (4-bits or a half byte) changes the foreground colour, while the most-significant nybble changes the background colour.

What is the differentiate of turbo c from turbo c plus plus?

Turbo C compiles c source. turbo c++ compiles c++ source code.

Who develop the turbo c plus plus?

The company Borland developed Turbo C++.

What is blue plus yellow?

Blue and Yellow are both primary colours. When you mix equal parts yellow and blue you get the secondary colour Green. When mixing green you can vary the colour by varying the amount of blue for a darker green and yellow for a brighter green.