technology helps us in life to learn about society.
Technology is what makes us powerful as a species; without it we would just be a hairless ape.
It makes us smarter by enhancing what we learn, like we can use WikiAnswers for questions we want to know making us smarter. Calculators are technology, helping us with math.
new computers are googd
Technology can bring to us both good and bad. The good technology can bring us is easier and quicker contacting ability, plus more access to thing that have never been reachable to us before. The bad technology will bring us is this (pay attentiob
It is how you look at it. It can be bad for the world (Global Warming and stuff) but it can help us in many ways too!
The amount of radiation produced if the machine you are using releases maybe be potentially harmful
Technology affects society because it may help us it determines how much we deal with on daily basis in the work world and at home. Technology can be a good thing or a bad thing. Computers help organize important documents where as nuclear weapons and such other destructive forms of technology may harm or kill us all. Technology and how it affects society is all in the eye the beholder. Only you can really decide if, for you, technology is a good thing or bad thing.
No - people are destroying the world ! Technology is growing day by day and technoloy have two accept good and bad so if we use it in a good way it can be better for us
we control technology to how much extent can it control us
The question is not specific enough. What technology? and in what context is that technology used.
No, it doesn't.
Technology influences us in many different ways, we use technology to help us, to benefit having it there in situations and to guide us to our goals. Technology can be very important to have and very bad to have. As more and more people get influenced by technology the more people choosing technology for a career. This could be bad in many different cases. The main thing is, our world is in need of workers, builders and infrenstructure. If we have to many people designing the Building, Car, Boat etc. Who is actually going to build it. But technology is also good to assist you with tasks you desire to do. How do you know that?
Technology is NOT important for us! Technology is the cause of all evil in our world. Jesus didn't use technology, so we shouldn't either!
The country that has better technology than the US is Japan.
In my humble opinion appropriate technology is allways good