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Well, it all depends on what you are interested in. I take it that you find robotics to be interesting. Well, robots become more and more popular as the years go on, and more people are needed to work with them the more high-tech they get. It is a growing industry, and would be a wise choice to work in. Just make sure that you have excellent math and science skills, and definetally go to college. Good luck!

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Q: Why should you learn robotics?
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What is robotics course?

Well, robotics course in my school is where you learn how to make different robots and code.

Where can you learn free robotics programming?

On the Internet.

What are the disadvantages of robotics?

They do not have the ability to learn and become more then they were originally design to be.

How do you learn about robotics?

There are several robot design and simulation 'games' that teach principles in robotics. Descriptions can be found here:

You want to know about robotics?

If you want to thoroughly understand robotics, you should seek a college degree in engineering, electronics or automation.

What classes should i take to be in robotics?

Metal work, science & geographyACTUALLY:A good robotics engineer should be knowledgeable in computer hardware and software as well as mechanical engineering and electronics.

Advantages of attending haptics workshop?

Haptics is the basic level of robotics. It has become a branch of robotics with the basic actions done. It is a form of non-verbal communication. One can learn embedded 'C' in haptics workshop and basic knowledge of robotics. He/She gets a certificate, if they attend the workshop.

Definition of 'robotics'?

Robotics is the study of robots

Is a minor in Robotics and mechatronics good if you are majoring in Computer Engineering?

Definitely. That robotics course is going to help you get more involved and learn more lower-level sort of stuff for that Computer Engineering Course.

How robotics helps us to learn science and maths?

our brain helps us to learn science and maths revise the question again and again you will find the answer at last.