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Q: Why should desalination plants not be built?
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Why are Australian cities planning to install desalination plants?

Australian cities are planning to build desalination plants to get more water ready to use instead of waiting for it to rain

Why should the desalination plant be built?

Because only three percent of the world's water is potable. And with man-made pollution that number is going down.

Are desalinization and desalination interchangeable words?

Yes. Desalinization is a redundant and incorrect form, so desalination only should be used.

Why is the building of desalination plants controversial?

The use of desalination plants is controversial. Two major concerns are:they use a lot of energy, which is supplied by coal-fired power plants. Apart from the pollution caused by these plants there are many who feel that they are not sustainable. That is, they cannot continue to operate without putting the environment and our future at risk.the water flowing back to the sea contains much more salt than normal sea water. It is also warmer. This can affect marine animals and plants that live near the desalination plant.

Why is desalination bad?

Desalination has very high energy requirements and since most countries with desalination plants do not have nuclear power, it results in the burning of lots of more coal. Additionally, the methods by which salt is removed from water create a resulting "salt-slurry" which is ejected as waste in to the original saltwater body. This salt-slurry makes the area around the desalination plant poisonous for the local sea-life.However, in almost every case, the positives of desalination outweigh these negatives.

Related questions

Where are most desalination plants located in the middle east?

Most desalination plants in the Middle East are on the Arab coastline of the Persian Gulf in countries like Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. However, some are starting to be built in Israel as well.

How many desalination plants are in Illinois?

Illinois does not need desalination plants. It has plenty of fresh water from Lake Michigan.

How many desalination plants are in California?


What country that has desalination plants?

No they don't, Africans drink straight from the Nile river, which contains hundreds of wildlife species, including alligators, frogs, fungus and fish. They cannot afford a desalination plant, and desalinations plants clean salt out of the salt water.

Why are Australian cities planning to install desalination plants?

Australian cities are planning to build desalination plants to get more water ready to use instead of waiting for it to rain

How many desalination plants are in Saudi Arabia?


How many desalination plants in Saudi Arabia?


What does the underground water in the UAE come from?

desalination plants

How many desalination plants are there worldwide?

There are about 250 desalination plants currently operating in the USA and about 15,000 world wide. Most in the US are operating in Florida but dozens can be found in Texas and California.

Desalination plants are used by?

all countries that have access to water

Why should the desalination plant be built?

Because only three percent of the world's water is potable. And with man-made pollution that number is going down.

How many desalination plants in Trinidad and tobago?

one in Pt Lisas