A display device such as a screen or monitor is an output device. Right from here we can already say that a display device is required to be able to visibly know what we are doing on a computer. (Even if you have a remote connection to that device you will be using a display device to view the contents of the remote device using another computers monitor.)
Printers and speakers are examples of output devices. Printers are required to receive hard copies of information and Speakers are audio devices that are required to hear audible files.
In short, without output devices will would not be able to view, hear, or hold data from a device.
Productivity is the measure of the output achieved divided by input required.
Messages and other output data that an operating system or a processing program displays on output devices. It is a means of writing data in a byte-wise manner to a target.
operating system
It depends on the required output current, load rejection factor, and ripple. Also, efficiency enters into the picture.
output devices are
Output devices.
output devices are monitor,speaker,printer where you get your output
Lots of companies create output devices.
are space satellites input or output devices
Yes, monitors are the most used output devices.
input devices put information in your computer and output devices give out info.Here is a more "elaborate" answer.Input Devices:KeyboardMouseStylusScannerDigital CameraOutput Devices:MonitorPrinterSpeakersKyeboard
A digital camera could be used as input as well as output devices.
Output devices are computer devices that are used to communicates data in a human-readable form. Speakers are used to output sound, monitors are used to output data visually, and printers are used to output data physically on paper.
Output devices are computer devices that are used to communicates data in a human-readable form. Speakers are used to output sound, monitors are used to output data visually, and printers are used to output data physically on paper.
Speakers and Headphones are output devices. A microphone, sometimes integrated with speakers, is an input device.