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A fuse is used for protection. If you replace it with a nail, you give up the protection.

If the fuse blew, there was a reason, and the fuse protected you from the results of

what would have happened if it had not blown, like such minor inconveniences as

your TV set getting blasted beyond repair, or your house burning down.

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Q: Why not replace a fuse with a steel nail?
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What is the diffrent between a magnetised steel nail and an unmagnetised steel nail?

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A steel nail but a steel ship floats how can that be?

The steel ship has a lot of air inside. The nail is solid steel.

Why must not you replace a fuse in a plug with an iron nail even the appliance still work?

A fuse is specifically rated to a certain amount of power. When this is exceeded the fuse 'melts' and will not allow the power limit to be over extended. A nail will allow the appliance to work but offers no protection.

What happened when you swallow a steel nail?

steel nail goes inside your body.

When you touch a magnet to a steel nail the nail attracts steel paper clips. Explaine why this does not happen when you use an aluminum nail?

it wouldn't be magnet to a aluminum nail because the aluminum is not a way of magnet and a steel nail would because steel is a way of magnet.

Is a steel nail a metal?

Yes, a steel nail is a metal. Steel is an alloy of iron and carbon, and metals are chemical elements that have properties such as malleability, ductility, and conductivity.

Which mineral can be scratched by a steel nail?

Calcite is a mineral that can be easily scratched by a steel nail due to its relatively low hardness compared to steel.

If a nail is made of steel will it be magnetized why?

Yes, if a nail is made of steel, it will will not be magnetized unless it is magnetized by a magnet by being hit.

Can fluorite be scratched by a steel nail?

No, fluorite is harder than a steel nail and cannot be scratched by it. Fluorite typically has a Mohs hardness of 4, while steel has a Mohs hardness of 4 to 4.5.

Why dont a steel nail float?

A steel nail is denser than water, so it sinks. The weight of the nail is greater than the buoyant force acting on it, causing it to sink to the bottom.

What soda chemicals can do to a steel nail?


Is an steel nail a insulator or conductor?

A conductor