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So that it can separate into more cells.

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Q: Why must a cell reduce the amount of genetic material during meiosis?
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How can prophase I and metaphase I in meiosis cause genetic variation in offerspring?

by being cheesy Edited answer: During prophase I of meiosis pairing among homologous chrosomes takes place. This is followed by crossing over. The recessive and dominant genes get interchanged during chiasma formation and such interchanged genetic material get separated in to different cells during mtaphase I. Hence, prophase I and metaphase I cause genetic variations in the male and female gametes. On randum mating among these gametes, genetic variation in the offsring are caused.

How is genetics material combined between two parents?

During sexual reproduction male and female gametes are formed in the respective reproductive organs. The gametes are haploid having half the number of chromosomes found in the parent body cells. These chromosomes have the genetic material in the form of DNA. When a male gamete unites with a female gamete during fertilization, the chromosomes in the zygote get doubled. The homologous chromosomes get paired at the time of meiosis in these offsprings and get combined by crossing over.

During meiosis crossing-over gene exchange between chromosomes may occur Crossing-over usually results in?

The result of crossing over is genetic diversity. More specifically, it is a hybrid chromosome with a unique pattern of genetic material. Does this answer help?

What do protists exchange during conjugation?

Genetic Material (DNA).

Why does meiosis result in more genetic variation than mitosis?

It would be wrong to consider mitosis insignificant as it helps in cell repair and replacement in our daily life and it would be impossible to survive without it and asexual reproduction as well but if it weren't for meiosis, none of us would have been born :) Meiosis is responsible for the division for our gamete cells which leads to the formation a zygote. from there on mitosis takes over.

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Which processes result directly in the formation of cells with half the amount of genetic material that is characteristic of the species?

Meiosis is the process that results in the formation of cells with half the genetic material of the parent cell. During meiosis, the genetic material is reduced by half through two consecutive divisions, resulting in the formation of gametes with unique genetic combinations.

During meiosis the shuffling exchange of genetic material is called?


Which structure is directly correlated with the production of genetic variability in the daughter cells produced during meiosis?

The crossing over of genetic material during meiosis is directly correlated with the production of genetic variability in daughter cells. Crossing over occurs during prophase I of meiosis when homologous chromosomes exchange genetic material, leading to new combinations of genes in the daughter cells.

Chromosomes exchange genetic information through the process of what?

Chromosomes exchange genetic information through the process of genetic recombination, specifically during meiosis. This process involves the exchange of genetic material between homologous chromosomes, resulting in genetic variation among offspring.

How does meiosis contribute to the genetic traits of a ReeBop offspring?

Meiosis is a type of cell division that produces gametes with half the genetic material of the parent cell. This leads to genetic variation in the offspring due to the random assortment of genes and crossing over of genetic material during meiosis. This diversity in genetic traits is essential for the ReeBop offspring to inherit a unique combination of traits from the parents.

What two factors introduce genetic variation during the process of meiosis?

Crossing over (genetic material exchange between homologous chromosomes) during prophase I and independent assortment of chromosomes during metaphase I contribute to genetic variation during meiosis.

Recombination occurs during?


During meiosis the process of crossing over results in new combinations of alleles because?

During crossing over in meiosis, homologous chromosomes exchange genetic material, creating new combinations of alleles on the chromosomes. This increases genetic diversity in the offspring by shuffling the genetic information from both parents.

Recombination occurs during which process?

Recombination occurs during meiosis, specifically during the crossing over phase of prophase I. This process involves the exchange of genetic material between homologous chromosomes, leading to genetic variation in offspring.

During which phase of meiosis does crossover occur?

Crossover occurs during the prophase I stage of meiosis. This is when homologous chromosomes pair up and exchange genetic material, leading to genetic diversity among the resulting gametes.

During which process does crossing-over occur?

Crossing-over occurs during meiosis, specifically during prophase I. It involves the exchange of genetic material between homologous chromosomes, resulting in genetic variation in offspring.

Physical process that occurs more than once during meiosis?

Crossing over: a physical process that occurs during meiosis in which homologous chromosomes exchange genetic material, increasing genetic diversity.