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13y ago

No, but it is a medium through which waves can travel. If you suddenly shut off the tap, it takes a finite amount of time before the water will stop flowing from the far end of the hose. The change in flow has to propagate in wave-like fashion down the length of the hose*.

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Q: Why is water moving through a hose a wave?
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Do water particles travel with the wave?

In a wave, the energy is transferred through the water rather than the actual water particles moving along with the wave. The water particles move in a circular motion as the wave passes through them, but they do not travel in the direction of the wave.

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Water does not move with a wave believe it or not. It moves up and down with the wave but a wave is just energy moving through something.

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The wave caused the water level to rise and fall as it passed by the rock. This change in water level is a result of the wave's energy moving through the water.

Which kind of wave is a water wave?

A water wave is a mechanical wave that travels on the surface of a body of water, transferring energy through the oscillation of particles in the water. It is a transverse wave, with the particles of water moving perpendicular to the direction of the wave.

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When a wave passes through water, the water molecules themselves do not move horizontally with the wave. Instead, they move in a circular orbital motion as the wave passes, causing the up and down motion we see on the surface. The energy of the wave is what propagates through the water, not the actual water molecules moving in the direction of the wave.

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A wave is essentially energy moving through the water, tide is difference in water level.

What is an example of energy moving through an ecosystem?

A wave moving over a reef is a good example. If you can sit on a jetty and take the visual position that the wave ie the water comprising the wave, isn't moving to any great extent, an energy wave is moving through the water away from its source. The energy is causing the water molecules to be pushed closer together in a given horizontal space. The water is limited in where it can move by the sea floor and/or the water pressure at deeper depths, the pressure wave from the direction of source and gravity. The combined effect propogates the wave in a specific direction at a specific speed and height according to Newton's Laws.

Water in a wave move in a what but not very far forward?

Water in a wave moves in a circular motion, with the water particles moving in an orbital path and not moving very far forward as the wave passes through. This movement is a transfer of energy rather than a transfer of water mass.

What is a moving ridge of water called?

A moving ridge of water is called a wave. Waves are energy traveling through water, typically caused by wind blowing over the surface of the ocean.

Why do waves move toward the shore but the leaf floating on the surface of the water does not?

The wave travels through the water without moving the water with it (the water moves but then as the wave passes the water moves back to where it was). The floating leaf stays with the water as the wave passes on its way to the shore.

How can you say that an ocean wave is a mechanical wave?

An ocean wave is a mechanical wave because it requires a medium to travel through, which in this case is water. The wave energy is transferred by the water molecules moving in a vibrational motion, causing the wave to propagate.

A disturbance moving through a solid liquid or gaseous medium is called?

A disturbance moving through a medium is called a wave. Waves can take various forms, such as sound waves in air, water waves in the ocean, or seismic waves traveling through the Earth's crust.