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Resistivity is the resistance, in ohms, between the opposite faces of a 1-metre-cube of a material.

For metals, resistivity is in the region of 0.0000001 ohm-metre. For semiconductors, it is much higher - it is in the region of 0.01 ohm-metres.

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Q: Why is resistivity of a semiconductor higher than that of a metal?
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From copper and manganin which has higher resistance?

The question is actually wrong, they can both have the same resistance if configured differently, the real question should be which has a higher resistivity which is the electrical resistance found in a standard amount of each material. In this case Manganin has a higher resistivity than copper.

How intrinsic semiconductor can be made into extrinsic semiconductor?

at higher values of temperature the intrinsic carrier concentration become comparable to or greater than doping concentration in extrinsic semiconductors. thus majority and minority carrier concentration increases with increase in temperature and it behaves like intrinsic semiconductor.

Why schottky is called hot carrier diode?

Because the energy of electrons transfer from semiconductor to metal side have more energy than the fermi energy of electrons in metal side. That's why these are called hot carrier diodes

Why the energy level of P type semiconductor is higher than of N type semiconductor?

We know that electrons are the majority carriers in n type semiconductor and holes are the majority carriers in p type semiconductor. The conductivity of n type is more than p type semiconductor due to mobility of electrons is higher than that of holes.

Why the voltage drop across LED is around 2V instead of 0.7V?

the binary semiconductors used to make LEDs have forward bias voltages from 1.5V to 6V depending on color (1.5V for IR-red to 6V for blue-UV) because the bandgap voltage of the semiconductor is higher than silicon. This higher bandgap is where the photons generated get their energy from. germanium has a lower forward bias voltage of 0.2V because the bandgap voltage is lower. metal-semiconductor contacts, like point contact diodes and schottky barrier diodes, can have forward bias voltages under 0.1V

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It is a semiconductor.

When a sample of germanium and silicon having same impurity density are kept at room temperature then resistivity of both?

The resistivity of germanium will decrease with increasing temperature due to a positive temperature coefficient of resistivity, while the resistivity of silicon will increase with increasing temperature due to a negative temperature coefficient of resistivity. At room temperature, silicon will have a higher resistivity compared to germanium.

From copper and manganin which has higher resistance?

The question is actually wrong, they can both have the same resistance if configured differently, the real question should be which has a higher resistivity which is the electrical resistance found in a standard amount of each material. In this case Manganin has a higher resistivity than copper.

What is the electrical conductivity for boron?

Boron is a semiconductor, so its electrical conductivity is lower than that of a metal but higher than that of an insulator. Boron's conductivity can be altered by adding impurities to create p-type or n-type semiconductors.

Why do some materials have more resistance than others?

Materials with more resistance have a higher resistivity, which is a measure of how strongly a material impedes the flow of electric current. Factors such as the material's atomic structure, temperature, and impurities can affect its resistivity. Materials like metals tend to have low resistivity due to their abundance of free electrons, while insulating materials have higher resistivity as they inhibit the movement of electrons.

What conducts electricity better germanium aluminum or helium?

Germanium conducts electricity better than aluminum or helium. Germanium is a semiconductor material with moderate conductivity, while aluminum is a metal with higher conductivity. Helium is a non-metal and is a poor conductor of electricity.

How intrinsic semiconductor can be made into extrinsic semiconductor?

at higher values of temperature the intrinsic carrier concentration become comparable to or greater than doping concentration in extrinsic semiconductors. thus majority and minority carrier concentration increases with increase in temperature and it behaves like intrinsic semiconductor.

What is difference between ohmic and rectifying contact?

A p-n junction (or a metal-semiconductor junction) with rectifying behaviour is an electronic device which allows a one-way only current flow (between the two semiconductor regions, or between the metal and the semiconductor). An ohmic contact in a metal-semiconductor junction is realized by lowering the potential barrier (allowing electrons to easily migrate into the metal) and by increasing the doping levels in the semiconductor (more than 10^18 cm^-3): this way the potential barrier, that should stop electrons from migrating into the semiconductor, is confined in a very small region making it possible for electrons with low energy to pass through it (tunneling effect). This means that in a ohmic contact current can flow both ways; such a device apparently works like a resistor with a low resistance, hence the "ohmic contact" name.

Why is a metal bat stronger than a wooden bat?

because metal is a higher quality

Why silicon is the more semiconductor than germanium?

Silicon is a more popular semiconductor than germanium due to factors such as its wider band gap, higher thermal stability, and better abundance in nature. Silicon also has better manufacturing processes and can operate at higher temperatures, making it more suitable for a wide range of electronic applications.

What is resistivity on what factor is depends?

Resistivity is a measure of a material's ability to resist the flow of electric current. It depends on factors such as the material's composition, temperature, and dimensions. Materials with high resistivity impede the flow of current more than those with low resistivity.

Why Alloys of metals have greater resistivity than their constituents?

Alloys have greater resistivity than their constituent metals because of factors such as impurities, defects, and irregularities in their atomic structure. The presence of different elements in an alloy can lead to increased electron scattering, which hinders the flow of electrical current, resulting in higher resistivity. Additionally, the variation in crystal structures and grain boundaries in alloys can contribute to increased resistance to the movement of electrons.