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They use both. AC is almost universally used because it is easy to convert it to different voltages by step up or down Transformers. Over very long distances and in special circumstances DC is used because AC has higher losses. The phase synchronization with other power grids as well as the frequency is also a problem with AC. A common example is where 50 Hz and 60 Hz power systems share resources.

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16y ago
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14y ago

Power is generated by AC generators. Transformers can not be used with DC power. The first power systems were actually DC systems.

The important point is that we need to transmit power at high voltages in order to reduce ohmic losses. Now we can not generate power at these voltages (>130 kV) easily, hence the step up transformer.

Now there are HVDC lines in operation. The advantage of this system is that the ohmic losses are reduced compared to a similar line carrying AC since the DC line is not subject to the skin effect. The disadvantage of the DC system is the cost associated with the power electronics (rectifier and inverters).

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9y ago

Think of it in terms of power instead of just current. With transformers, electrical voltage can be boosted to very high values for transmission over long distances, with corresponding reduction in current (remember power is voltage X current). At the destination, more transformers reduce the voltage back down to manageable levels (like 120VAC). Power is a bit more complicated when you're dealing with AC, but the concepts are the same.


It isn't. D.C. has less losses than a.c. over long-distance transmission lines, so it is theoretically better to transmit d.c. than a.c. However, the savings in terms of energy losses has to be offset against the cost of the equipment required to transform and rectify a.c. to d.c., and this is only economical for really long transmission lines.

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14y ago

dc supply source can be carried in pocket but not ac supply.


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13y ago

skin effect is there in AC tramssion and it depends on frequency,crets losses in tramission and dc no frequency

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13y ago

As we are unable to store electrical energy in the form of ac and the generation of ac is more than the dc, hence we prefer the transmission of ac as in the form we produced it.

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13y ago

it is safer and you can easily reduce the current

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