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a control group is a group where nothing is changed. the experimental group is where you change one factor

two examples:

experimental group: 3 cups vinegar, 1 tablespoon baking soda, 5 drops food coloring

control group: 2 cups vinegar, 1 tablespoon baking soda, 5 drops food coloring

experimental group: plants with 4 hours of sunlight, 1/2 cup water every other day, fertilizer, warm room

control group: plants with 4 hours of sunlight, 1/4 cup water every single day, fertilizer, warm room

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15y ago
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15y ago

A positive control is essential if you don't have a positive control how eould you know if your test worked or if the test just failed if nothing else is positive? Likewise a negative control is essential for the opposite reason if everything comes up positive then you wouldn't know if you contaminated everything.

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13y ago

Positive controls are things you do not change. for example; to see what kind of liquid a plant will grow faster in, your positive control is the plant, the rest you change and experiment with.

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11y ago

to confirm negative result.

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What is the function of a positive control in an experiment?

A positive control is used in an experiment to ensure that the experimental conditions are capable of producing a positive result. It helps validate the experimental setup and serves as a reference point for comparison with the test samples.

What is the role of a control group in any experiment?

To compare data

What is the role of the control group in an experiment?

To establish a baseline to compare your results to.

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The independent variable in an controlled experiment is what you are changing

What is the role of controls in the scientific process?

The control is there to compare the difference between it and the experiment. It should not change, but will be affected by the same environmental influences. By checking the control you can rule out environmental influences that may also have affected your experiment.

What does controlled experiment mean in science terms?

All science experiments are performed in a controlled manner which means, there will be a positive control, a negative control and importantly the subject sample(s) who's behavior is not known. The experimental observation must be positive with the positive control sample and negative with the negative control sample, no matter whatever the condition is. Only in this set up the result of a subject (which is the actual unknown experimental sample) would be considered as a faithful result.Any fault or irregularities of the controls will destroy the authenticity of an experiment.

What is the controlled experiment in a science experiment?

The control in a science experiment is the same thing as a constant. It is something that you keep the same the entire experiment. For example if you were testing how various locations affect temperature your constants would be the thermometer you used and the time for measuring the temperature. If you don't have a constant than your experiment results won't be accurate.

What is a role in a control group in any experiment?

it acts as a source. a dependent variable that isn't altered by any independent variables.

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a control is something that stays the same in an experiment

What does control mean in an experiment?

control means to take conrol in a science experiment

A standard of comparison in an experiment is called the?

it is called the control of the experiment

What is the control of a experiment?

The control of an experiment is the part of an experiment that does not change, and is strictly used as a comparison to the variable that is being tested.