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because noise usually changes the amplitude not frequency.

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Q: Why is amplitude modulation susceptible to noise but not frequency modulation?
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Why frequency modulation is superior to amplitude modulation?

FM provides noise immunity, whereas AM is easily affected by noise. With FM, the amplitude of the sound is converted into a shift in frequency. So the volume is limited by the bandwidth, but the frequency of the sound can vary as much as it likes, giving a higher fidelity sound. Spikes induced on the signal usually affect the amplitude of the signal. The amplitude of an FM signal is not used in the demodulation process and is therefore immune to spikes in the signal. AM was first used in radio because it is very easy to achieve using basic components. A single rectifier only, is needed to recover the audio. FM is quite a complicated process and could only be achieved once electronics had progressed.

What is amplitude modulation and frequency modulation and difference between them?

Both angle and amplitude modulation are involved in radio wavelength patterns. Angle modulation is where the modulating wave manipulates the angle of a sine-wave carrier. The two types of angle modulation include frequency and phase modulation. On the other hand, Amplitude modulation is the strength behind carrying the waveform in radio.

Which modulation can reduce the noice of signal?

Signals of different frequencies cannot interfere with each other. For example can audio waves (speech) interfere with AM or FM signals?? So when we perform modulation we just transfer the message to another amplitude/frequency/phase. Hence they will never interfere with signals which are not in the same range as them. Regards Arvind

Why is a limiter used in FM?

limiter mainly used to limit the amplitude of FM waveform.because of, in FM the frequency only varied but amplitude also varied due to noise . to cancel the amplitude variation limiter mainly used

Why is FM superior immunity to noise?

FM systems are far better at rejecting noise than AM systems. Noise generally is spread uniformly across the spectrum (the so-called white noise, meaning wide spectrum). The amplitude of the noise varies randomly at these frequencies. The change in amplitude can actually modulate the signal and be picked up in the AM system. As a result, AM systems are very sensitive to random noise. An example might be ignition system noise in your car. Special filters need to be installed to keep the interference out of your car radio. FM systems are inherently immune to random noise. In order for the noise to interfere, it would have to modulate the frequency somehow. But the noise is distributed uniformly in frequency and varies mostly in amplitude. As a result, there is virtually no interference picked up in the FM receiver. FM is sometimes called "static free, " referring to its superior immunity to random noise.

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What of the three analog-to-analog conversion techniques AM FM or PM is the most susceptible to noise?

AM (amplitude modulation) is the most susceptible to noise among the three analog-to-analog conversion techniques. This is because noise primarily affects the amplitude of the signal, leading to interference and distortions in the received signal. In contrast, FM (frequency modulation) and PM (phase modulation) are less susceptible to noise as they encode information in frequency and phase variations, respectively, which can be more effectively separated from noise during reception.

What are the advantages frequency modulation amplitude modulation?

Frequency modulation have some advantages over amplitude modulation, FM is not sensitive to the amplitude noise, and have high efficient use of transmitted power

What are the charateristics of amplitude modulation?

Amplitude modulation (AM) is a method of impressing data onto an alternating current waveform by varying its amplitude in relation to the data being sent. The main characteristics of AM include the modulation index, which determines the amount of variation in the carrier wave, and the sidebands that are created as a result of modulation. AM is susceptible to noise and interference due to its reliance on the amplitude of the signal.

What is FM?

FM stands for frequency modulation, a method used to encode information on a carrier wave by varying the frequency of the wave. This modulation technique is commonly used in radio broadcasting to transmit audio signals. FM is known for its high fidelity and resistance to noise compared to other modulation schemes like AM (amplitude modulation).

Why FM is used for sound transmission whereas am is used for picture transmission?

FM is used for both. Phase modulation can be used as well. FM radio is generally clearer than AM because the information in AM is stored in the amplitude of the wave. As waves propogate, they collect noise, which distorts their amplitude. This generally does not happen to the frequency. FM, or frequency modulation stores the information in the frequency. Both are subjected to the same amplitude modulating noise, but since the information is encoded in a different way, it is not degraded.

Why FM is more clearer than am?

The abbreviations FM and AM stands for amplitude modulation and frequency modulation. The reason why FM is more clearer than AM is because FM has a better signal-to-noise ratio than AM does.

Why does the FM radio wave remain unaffected by such a plasma?

Just about all radio noise is amplitude modulated. FM radios use Frequency Modulation and is unaffected.

Why is that amplitude modulation is mostly affected by man made interference than frequency modulation?

since man made devices always produce noise for other electronic devices and noise always add at the amplitudes of any the am,amplitude is varying w.r.t. the information or modulating signal so it is most prone to noise and hence affected most by man made devices

Which modulation technique is most prone to noise PWM or AM?

AM = Amplitude Modulation and is more prone to noise because the signal amplitude caries the intellegence, Noise changes this easily. PWM is Pulse Width Modulation and noise does not change the width of the pulses, though it may introduce other pulses. Therefore the original intellegence is still recoverable.

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Comparing this figure of merit with the corresponding result described in Equation (2.1521 for an FM system, we see that the use of frequency modulation offers the possibility of improved noise performance over amplitude modulation when

Why Fm is more immune to noise than AM?

b/c information lies in frequency... while in AM information lies in amplitude and noise effects the amplitude more as compare to frequency....... there for.....

Why frequency modulation is superior to amplitude modulation?

FM provides noise immunity, whereas AM is easily affected by noise. With FM, the amplitude of the sound is converted into a shift in frequency. So the volume is limited by the bandwidth, but the frequency of the sound can vary as much as it likes, giving a higher fidelity sound. Spikes induced on the signal usually affect the amplitude of the signal. The amplitude of an FM signal is not used in the demodulation process and is therefore immune to spikes in the signal. AM was first used in radio because it is very easy to achieve using basic components. A single rectifier only, is needed to recover the audio. FM is quite a complicated process and could only be achieved once electronics had progressed.