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Q: Why is a thick rope stronger than a thin rope of the same materiel?
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Is colored thread incorporated into rope construdtion to indicate rope strength and if so what color for what strength?

No. Colored threads are used merely for identification of the type of rope made by a particular manufacturer. Most ropes are available in identical styles, but varying diameters. The varying sizes of the same style of rope will all have the same color pattern. For example, Yale Cordage, a rope company in Maine makes a rope called Double Esterlon. It is available in 18 different diameters ranging from 1/4" thick to 2" thick. All sizes have the same color pattern- white rope with 4 green strands lying next to each other. For proof, you can see this rope at

Why is thick steel wire stronger than thin steel wire?

The material will yield when stress reaches a critical value. Stress = Load / Area Thick steel wire is stronger than thin steel wire because there is more cross sectional area in the thick wire. Although the material's strength in load per unit area would be the same, the ultimate load that the wire can sustain would be more in the thick wire. A simple way of looking at it is to imagine a thick wire as a number of thin wires stuck together. If a thin wire can support a mass of 1kg then 2 thin wires can support 2kg. A wire which is twice as thick (twice the cross sectional area) can also support 2kg.

Is nylon thread stronger than a steel wire of the same thickness?

More information is needed really as the answer depends hugely on the application. For example, yes you could tow a friends broken down car with a steel cable of equal strength to the nylon tow rope. ....but not, you could not replace a nylon rope used to moor a boat with (untreated) steel cable as it wuold rust. Nylon rope also has some "give" in it, allowing it to absorb some shock as tension is taken, it is also an excellent insulator. Steel has almost no give at all and is a fairly good conductor (though not brilliant when efficient conduction is required). So it depends massively on your application - all answers from "absolutely not" to "it would be even better" can appy. Mark

What is stronger solid shaft or hollow shaft?

Depends on what you mean by "better". For the same dimensions, a solid shaft will be a bit stronger, but also a lot heavier. If you were to make a hollow shaft of the same weight, but a bigger diameter, it'd be a lot stronger than the solid shaft.

What is stronger a round steel pipe or a steel hollow square bar?

By stronger, we need to define the loading conditions of the rod or pipe. The strength of a rod or pipe is typically evaluated with axial, transverse (bending), and torsion loads. With the same diameter and the same material, a solid rod is stronger than a hollow pipe. However, with the same weight and material, the hollow pipe is stronger than a solid rod. Because a hollow pipe is lighter than a solid rod at the same diameter, the hollow pipe would have a larger diameter in order to match weights with the solid rod and a larger diameter rod or pipe is stronger than a smaller diameter one.

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Which rope is stronger leather rope or regular rope?

Leather rope can be stronger than regular woven ropes, such as jute or flax. But synthetic rope (nylon, polyester) has many more fibers than leather, or any natural fiber, and for the same diameter will be much stronger.

A thick rope is stronger than a thin rope of the same material Is a long rope stronger than a short rope?

Assuming both ropes are made of the same material and are of equal quality, a longer rope will typically be weaker than a shorter rope. This is because longer ropes have more points of potential stress and are more prone to stretching and wear and tear.

Is colored thread incorporated into rope construdtion to indicate rope strength and if so what color for what strength?

No. Colored threads are used merely for identification of the type of rope made by a particular manufacturer. Most ropes are available in identical styles, but varying diameters. The varying sizes of the same style of rope will all have the same color pattern. For example, Yale Cordage, a rope company in Maine makes a rope called Double Esterlon. It is available in 18 different diameters ranging from 1/4" thick to 2" thick. All sizes have the same color pattern- white rope with 4 green strands lying next to each other. For proof, you can see this rope at

Why is three strand rope stronger than four or more strands of the same diameter?

Whoever told you this is whacky. Why would you think this is true?

Are a spiders web stronger than rope?

A rope is made out of many weak strands, woven together to provide a higher tensile strength. If you did the same using a large amount of spider silk, you would have a silk rope with a higher tensile strength than not only a regular rope, but also steel cable.

Why are thick lenses stronger than thinner ones?

Thicker lenses have a greater difference in curvature between the two surfaces, which causes light to bend more sharply and focus at a single point. This creates a stronger optical effect compared to thinner lenses with less curvature difference.

Why is there a limit to magnetization?

There is a limit to magnetization called saturation because all magnetic moments in a material align in the same direction. Once this alignment is achieved, further increase in magnetic field strength will not result in increased magnetization. At saturation, the material cannot hold any more magnetic domains to align with the external field.

If 64 feet of rope weights 20 poundshow much will 80 feet of the same type o rope weight?

If 64 feet of rope weights 20 pounds, 80 feet of the same type of rope will weigh 25 pounds.

What has the same vowel sound as rope and keeps us clean?

The word "soap" has the same long O (oh) sound as rope.

If the ropes make the same angle with the vertical what is the tension in each rope?

If the ropes make the same angle with the vertical, then the tension in each rope will be the same. This is because the angles are equal and the forces are balanced. The tension in each rope will be equal to each other.

Is marmite stronger than vegemite?

It depends on how much you put on, if you have more of one than the other then it will be different. they taste the same if you have a thick layer of Vegemite and a thin layer of marmite. The stronger one is marmite if you have the same amount.

What is a homophone for a string of rope?

A homophone for a string of rope could be "cord" or "chord," as they sound the same but have different meanings.