Richard Feynman fist mention the concept, though did not use the name, in 1959.
Richard Feynman fist mention the concept, though did not use the name, in 1959.
Narinder Kapany was born in Punjab, India and educated in England. He invented optical fibre and is called "Father of Fibre Optics".
Father of robotics is Joseph F. Engelberger, first robotic industrialist.
Laziness is the father and necessity is the mother of invention,this may be common for a lazy person,father becomes not a lazy ,really the mind should be father of invention that has necessity to invent any thing,if mind does not be ,your necessity and invention is useless.
there were mixed feelings about sir Ricard Arkwright some thought he cared only for himself and treated his workers poorly others thought of his as the father of the factory system
He was considered the father of the modern industrial factory system, his inventions were a catalyst for the industrial revolution. So what did people think of him? Not a lot!
He invented a machine for spinning strong threads, and then a machine for producing cloth. Because he moved cloth making out of people's homes and into factories, he is known as the father of the factory system.
Richard Arkwright could be considered the father of the factory. An entrepreneur, he invented the carding machine. Cotton is a useful plant material, but in Arkwright's day, cotton was hand carded. Carding is the process of making cotton fibers straight and free from seeds which are very hard to remove from the fibers. It is a very time consuming and arduous process by hand. Arkwright invented a machine which would remove the seeds and make the fibers straight.Since the spinning jenny had already been invented, Arkwright and his partners combined the two and set up shop making textiles in a small factory. His patents were challenged again and again, but his skills as a synthesist gave him the edge against individual patent infringements. He used Watts' steam engine to power the water wheels to power his factories.The movement that would eventually become the Luddites tried to break the machinery in his factory, but his own workers defended them. Since his breakthroughs put many cottage industries out of work, he was not popular with who would become Luddites.While some people considered him crazy, Arkwright negotiated his business sense into a title, an estate, and fabulous wealth. He went from having 5 pounds in his pocket to having over half a million pounds...the equivalent of over 200 million today.
Richard Hathaway was her father.
Richard Arkwright was the founder of the factory. He was the first person to invent a machine that used a different form of power other than man. People called him the Father of the Industrial Revolution. Richard was a barber in Lancashire when he saw an opening in the industry for a new invention. Weaving had been speeded up by 'flying shuttles' and the thread wasn't being produced fast enough to keep up with the looms, so he used his invention, the water frame, to fill the gap and get him lots of money(yay). The Water Frame Richard Arkwright was a business man and he made an invention called the water frame. He used it to make the thread for the looms. At first it was powered by horses but this wasn't successful because the horses needed rest and feeding. So this is why Arkwright is so important to the public.
Yes, his father is Dick King, his father Rihard King, his father Richard King, his Father Richard King, his Father Captain Richard King who founded the King Ranch.
Yes there was a father and mother!
Samuel Slater
Anne Hathaway's father was called Richard. We don't know her mother's name, but she had a stepmother Joan.
Richard Petty's father was former Nascar champion Lee Petty.