

Why is DNA not present in plants?

Updated: 12/12/2022
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βˆ™ 12y ago

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DNA is present in plants and every other living organism.

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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Q: Why is DNA not present in plants?
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What bases are present in DNA of the plant?

The bases present in the DNA of plants are the same present in the DNA of any other organism: cytosine, quanine, adenine and thymine.

Does soil have DNA?

Soil itself does not have DNA. DNA is found in living organisms such as plants, animals, bacteria, and fungi that may be present in the soil. DNA from these organisms can be extracted from soil samples for analysis.

What 2 organs are DNA located in?

DNA is in every cell in every one of your organs. Inside the cell, DNA is located in the nucleus and in mitochondria. In plants, it is also present in the chloroplast.

Does plants have DNA?

Plants do have DNA. All living things have deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), located within the nuclei of the cells.

What you technically call DNA present in chloroplasts?

The DNA present in chloroplast is tchnically called plastome

What materials are composed of DNA?

DNA is found in the cells of all living organisms, including animals, plants, fungi, and bacteria. It is present in the nucleus of eukaryotic cells and in the cytoplasm of prokaryotic cells. Additionally, some viruses also contain DNA.

Do plants have circular DNA?

No, plants have linear DNA, like most eukaryotic organisms, contained within the nucleus of their cells. Circular DNA is typically found in prokaryotic organisms such as bacteria.

Why are younger plants the best source for DNA?

Younger plants are often the best source for DNA because they have fewer chemicals and compounds that can degrade DNA. Additionally, younger plants typically have higher DNA yield compared to older plants. The DNA extracted from younger plants is also less likely to be contaminated by external factors.

Where is plasmid DNA present in a cell?

it is present in the cytoplam

How can you bring the DNA from 16th century to manipulate with the present day DNA?

By dna research

What organ contains DNA?

Since DNA is present in the nucleus of all cells, it is actually present in all organs.

Do avocados have DNA?

all plants and animals contain DNA