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Human hair has no cohesive feature. No projecting edge presents at the outer surface of hair, thus twist can not stay after a certain period of twisting itself. Compare to a protein fiber wool, it has sufficient length and strength but its outline is totally over rounded that is why it can not reffer as a textile fiber.

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Q: Why human hair cannot be used for textile fiber?
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Is wool thick hair?

Yes, something like thick hair, and is the textile fiber that comes from sheep and certain other animals. Somethimes also referred to as fur.

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No, a termite cannot live in human hair.

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Is cuts hair healty to human?

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okay so you cant dye hair exstentions even if they are 'human' the reason for this is that there'll always be abit of synthetic fibre added in which cannot be dyed as it doesnt have the same properties as human hair

What part of a human hair can be analyzed for DNA?

The root of a human hair contains cells with DNA that can be analyzed to determine genetic information. The shaft of the hair does not contain genetic material and cannot be used for DNA analysis.

What is futura fiber?

Futura fiber is a fiber from the table of content mostly use in synthetic hair extensions.

How can you test a wig to determines if it is made of human hair or synthetic fiber?

One simple way to test if a wig is made of human hair or synthetic fiber is to perform a burn test. Human hair will burn with a smell similar to burning hair, while synthetic fibers will produce a more acrid smell and may melt or produce hard beads. Another method is to feel the texture of the hair - human hair tends to feel softer and smoother compared to synthetic fibers.

Doese fiber make your hair grow?

I guess that it does since in that fiber one commercial it shows how that guy gets longer hair everytime he eats one because of the fiber....

What is fiber analysis in forensic science?

it means to analysis a fiber such as hair or cloth.