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scanf() is an input function.

It takes an input from the user and store it in a variable.

Since "&" is a reference operator and it represents the memory location of the variable.

String is a type of array and an array consumes more than one memory address.
It is obvious that no need to use "&" operator for an entire array.

For an individual data type like int , char , float etc , "&" is needed but for an array no need to use "&".

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Because the name of the string (array) is sufficient to pass the address of the first element.

By the way - it is not safe to pass strings to scanf() without doing bounds checking.

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Multiplication table using do while loop?

#include void main() { int i=2,m,n; printf("enter number"); scanf("%d",&n); do { m=i*n; printf("%d*%d=%d\n",n,i,m); i=i+1; } while (i<=10); }

How to write a program that ask user to enter numbers until user enter- 0 then find the biggest of entered numbers in C programming using while or do while?

int i, largest=0;do { scanf ("Enter a number (0 to exit): %d", i); if (i>largest) largest=i; } while (i!=0); printf ("Largest number is: %d\n", largest);

Do while loop program in c for printing odd numbers?

#include<stdio.h> main() { int a,i=1; printf("Enter max no"); scanf("%d",&a); do { printf("%d",i); i=i+2; }while(i<=a); }

What types of database exist in c plus plus?

#include <stdio.h> main() { FILE *a; int sno,tm,em,mm,scm,sm,hm; char sname[20],any[1]; clrscr(); a=fopen("student.dat","a"); do { printf("Enter Student Number : "); scanf("%d",&sno); printf("Enter Student Name : "); scanf("%s",sname); printf("Enter Telugu Marks : "); scanf("%d",&tm); printf("Enter English Marks : "); scanf("%d",&em); printf("Enter Maths Marks : "); scanf("%d",&mm); printf("Enter Science Marks : "); scanf("%d",&scm); printf("Enter Social Marks : "); scanf("%d",&sm); printf("Enter Hindi Marks : "); scanf("%d",&hm); fprintf(a,"%d %s %d %d %d %d %d %d\n",sno,sname,tm,em,mm,scm,sm,hm); printf("Do you wish to continue(Y/N)"); scanf("%s",any); }while(strcmp(any,"y")==0); fclose(a); }

When do we use an address operator in c'?

In C we use & operator while giving address of some variable to some pointer variable. & operator is also used in scanf().

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